Cameron, E.; Oliva, M. & Antoniades, D. (2025). Extreme Arctic lakes reveal accelerating ecological shifts linked to 21st century warming. Scientific Reports.
Noetzli, J.; Isaksen, K.; Barnett, J.; Christiansen, H. H.; Delaloye, R.; Etzelmueller, B.; Farinotti, D.; Gallemann, T.; Guglielmin, M.; Hilbich, C.; Hoelzle, M.; Lambiel, C.; Magnin, F.; Oliva, M.; Paro, L.; Pogliotti, P.; Riedl, C.; Schoeneich, P.; Valt, M.; Vieli, A. & Phillips, M. (2024). Enhanced warming of European mountain permafrost in the early 21st century. Nature Communications, 15: 10508. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Sancho-García, L.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Çiner, A.; Fernandes, M.; García-Oteyza, J.; Sarıkaya, M.A.; Serrano, E.; Kaveh-Firouz, A.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Vieira, G.; Antoniades, D.; Bonsoms, J. & ASTER Team (2024). The origin of the ice-free areas of the Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary Science Reviews, 344: 108991. (pdf)
Garcia-Oteyza J.; Oliva M., Palacios D., Fernández-Fernández J. M., Schimmelpfennig I., Fernandes M., Giralt S., Antoniades D., Andrés, N., Jomelli, V. (2024). Chronology of climate-linked landscape evolution in NE Greenland from CRE dating of landforms. Boreas, doi: 10.1111/bor.12683. (pdf)
Çiner, A.; Oliva, M.; Ventura, J.; Sarıkaya, M.A; Candaş, A.; Palacios, D.; Altinay, O.; Binnie, S.A. & Castañeda, N. (2024). Late Pleistocene Glacial chronology and paleoclimate of the Cadí massif, SE Pyrenees, Spain: Insights from 36Cl cosmogenic surface exposure dating and glacier modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews, 345: 109020. (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; Oliva, M. & López-Moreno, J.I. & Fettweis, X. (2024). Rising extreme meltwater trends in Greenland ice sheet (1950 – 2022): surface energy balance and large-scale circulation changes. Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0396.1 (pdf)
Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Oliva, M.; Ribolini, A. & Sæmundsson, Þ. (2024). Cryosphere degradation in a changing climate. Land Degradation & Development, doi: 10.1002/ldr.5204 (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; López-Moreno, J.I.; Alonso-González, E.; Deschamps-Berger, C. & Oliva, M. (2024). Rain-on-snow responses to warmer Pyrenees: a sensitivity analysis using a physically based snow hydrological model. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24: 245–264. (pdf)
González-Herrero, S.; Navarro, F.; Pertierra, L.; Oliva, M.; Dadic, R.; Peck, L. & Lehning, M. (2023). Southward migration of the zero-degree isotherm latitude over the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic Peninsula: Cryospheric, biotic and societal implications. Science of the Total Environment, 912: 168473. (pdf)
Antoniades, D.; Klanten, Y.; Cameron, E.; Garcia-Oteyza, J.; Oliva, M. & Vincent, W.F. (2024). Evidence of summer thermal stratification in extreme northern lakes. Arctic Science, doi: 10.1139/AS-2023-0037. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Garcia-Oteyza, J.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; ASTER Team & Antoniades, D. (2023). Geomorphological record of the glacial to periglacial transition from the Bølling–Allerød to the Holocene in the Central Pyrenees: the Lòcampo cirque in the regional context. Boreas, 53(1): 71-87. (pdf)
García-Oteyza, J.; Giralt, S; Pla-Rabes, S.; Antoniades, D.; Oliva, M.; Ghanbari, H.; Osorio-Serrano, R. & Palacios, D. (2023). A ~5000 year multiproxy record of summer climate in NE Greenland. Science of the Total Environment, 906: 167713. (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; Oliva, M.; Alonso-González, E.; Revuelto, J. & López-Moreno, J.I. (2023). Impact of climate change on snowpack dynamics in coastal Central-Western Greenland. Science of the Total Environment, 913: 169616. (pdf)
Hrbáček, F.; Oliva, M.; Hansen, C.; Balks, M.; O’Neill, T.; de Pablo, M.A.; Vieira, G.; Ponti, S.; Ramos, M.; Abramov, A.; Pastirikova, L.; Guglielmin, M.; Goyanes, G.; Francellino, M. Schaefer, C. & Lacelle, D. (2023). Active layer and permafrost thermal regimes in the ice-free areas of Antarctica. Earth-Science Reviews, 242: 104458. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Fernandes, M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Vieira, G.; Antoniades, D.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; García-Oteyza, J. & ASTER Team (2023). Holocene deglaciation of the northern Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Land Degradation & Development, 34 (13): 3973-3990. (pdf)
Toro, M.; Granados, I.; Camacho, A.; Montes, C. & Oliva, M. (2023). Morfogénesis de las lagunas glaciares de las sierras de Guadarrama y Gredos (sistema Central Ibérico). Pirineos, 178 e076. (pdf)
García-Oteyza, J.; Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Fernandes, M.; Medialdea, A.; Giralt, S.; Jomelli, V.; Antoniades, D. & ASTER Team (2023). Holocene glacial oscillations in the Tyroler Valley (NE Greenland). Land Degradation & Development, doi: 10.1002/ldr.4633. (pdf)
Turu, V.; Peña-Monné, J.L.; Cunha, P.; Jalut, G.; Buylaert, J.P.; Murray, A.S.; Bridgland, D.; Faurschou-Knudsen, M.; Carrasco, R.M.; Ros, X.; Turu-Font, L.; Oliva, M. & Ventura, J. (2022). Glacial–interglacial cycles in the south–central and south-eastern Pyrenees since ~180 ka (NE Spain-Andorra-SE France). Quaternary Research, 10.1017/qua.2022.68 (pdf).
González-Herrero, S.; Barriopedro, D.; Trigo, R.; López-Bustins, J.A. & Oliva, M. (2022). Climate warming amplified the 2020 record-breaking heatwave in the Antarctic Peninsula. Communications Earth & Environment, doi: 10.1038/s43247-022-00450-5. (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; López-Moreno, J.I.; González-Herrero, S. & Oliva, M. (2022). Increase of the energy available for snow ablation in the Pyrenees (1959 – 2020) and its relation to atmospheric circulation. Atmospheric Research, 275: 106228. (pdf)
García-Oteyza, J.; Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Andrés, N.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Antoniades, D.; Christiansen, H.; Humlun, O.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & ASTER Team (2022). Deglaciation history and paraglacial dynamics in the Zackenberg area, NE Greenland. Geomorphology, 401: 108125. (pdf)
Santos-González, J.; González-Gutiérrez, R.B.; Redondo-Vega, J.M.; Gómez-Villar, A.; Jomelli, V.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Andrés, N.; García-Ruiz, J.M.; Peña-Pérez, S. A.; Melón-Nava, A.; Oliva, M.; Álvarez-Martínez, J.; Charton, J.; ASTER Team & Palacios, D. (2022). The origin and collapse of relict rock glaciers during the Bølling-Allerød interstadial: a new study case from the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain). Geomorphology, 401: 108112. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Vieira, G. & Lopes, L. (2022). Geomorphological map of the Aran valley (Upper Garonne valley, Central Pyrenees). Journal of Maps, doi: 10.1080/17445647.2022.2035266.
Tanarro, L.M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Andrés, N.; Oliva, M.: Rodríguez-Mena, M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Brynjólfsson, S.; Sæmundsson, Þ.; Zamorano, J.J.; Úbeda, J. & ASTER Team (2021). Origins of the divergent evolution of mountain glaciers during deglaciation: Hofsdalur cirques, Northern Iceland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 273: 107248. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Delmas, M.; Garcia-Oteyza, J.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Ventura, J.; ASTER Team & Antoniades, D. (2021). Maximum glacier extent of the Penultimate Glacial Cycle in the Upper Garonne Basin (Pyrenees): new chronological evidence. Environmental Earth Sciences, 80: 796. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Garcia-Oteyza, J.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; ASTER Team & Antoniades, D. (2021). Glacial oscillations during the Bølling-Allerød Interstadial-Younger Dryas transition in the Ruda Valley, Central Pyrenees. Journal of Quaternary Science, doi: 10.1002/jqs.3379. (pdf)
Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; García-Oteyza, J.; Navarro, F.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Léannid, L. & ASTER Team (2021). Ice thinning on nunataks during the Last Glacial Termination in the Antarctic Peninsula according to Cosmic-Ray Exposure dating: evidence and uncertainties. Quaternary Science Reviews, 264: 107029. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Rodríguez-Mena, M.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Tanarro, L.M.; Zamorano, J.J., Andrés, N.; Sæmundsson, Þ., Brynjólfsson, S.; Oliva, M. & ASTER Team (2021). Reversible glacial-periglacial transition in response to climate changes and paraglacial coupling: a case study from Héðinsdalsjökull (Northern Iceland). Geomorphology, 388: 107787. (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; González-Herrero, S.; Prohom, M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; López-Moreno, J.I. & Oliva, M. (2021). Spatio‐temporal patterns of snow in the Catalan Pyrenees (NE Iberia). International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.7147. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Fernandes, M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; ASTER Team & Antoniades, D. (2021). Rapid deglaciation during the Bølling-Allerød Interstadial in the Central Pyrenees and associated glacial and periglacial landforms. Geomorphology, 385: 107735. (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Oliva, M. (2021). Snowfall and snow cover evolution in the Eastern Pre-Pyrenees (NE Iberian Peninsula). Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, doi: 10.18172/cig.4879. (pdf)
2020 and before
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Vieira, G. (2020). Paraglacial slope failures in the Aran valley (Central Pyrenees). Quaternary International, 566-567: 24-38. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Oliva, M.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Andrés, N.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Léannid, L. & ASTER Team (2020). Climate sensitivity and geomorphologic response of cirque glaciers from the late glacial to the Holocene, Sierra Nevada, Spain. Quaternary Science Reviews, 248: 106617. (pdf)
Etzelmüller, B.; Guglielmin, M.; Hauck, C.; Hilbich, C.; Hoelzle, M.; Isaksen, K.; Nötzli, J.; Oliva, M.; Ramos, M. & Vieli, A. (2020). Twenty years of European mountain permafrost dynamics – the PACE legacy. Environmental Research Letters, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abae9d. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Oliva, M. (2020). Geomorphological processes in the Ala Archa National Park (Kyrgyzstan, Tian Shan Range). Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 42 (2): 255-268. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Sarikaya, A. & Hughes, P. (2020). Holocene and earlier glaciations in the Mediterranean mountains. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, 2 (1): 1-4. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Andrés, N.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Leanni, L.; González-Díaz, B. & ASTER Team (2020). Timing of formation of neoglacial landforms in the South Shetland Islands (Antarctic Peninsula): Regional and global implications. Quaternary Science Reviews, 234: 106248. (pdf)
Hrbáček, F.; Oliva, M.; Ruiz Fernández, J.; Kňažková, M. & de Pablo, M.A. (2020). Modelling ground thermal regime in bordering (dis)continuous permafrost environments. Environmental Research, 181: 108901. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Palacios, D.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Andrés, N.; Tanarro, L.M.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M. & Barriocanal, C. (2019). Multiproxy reconstruction of Holocene glaciers in Sierra Nevada (south Spain). Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, doi 10.1007/s42990-019-00008-2. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Hughes, P. (2019). Permafrost and periglacial processes in mid- and low-latitude mountains regions. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 30 (4): 245-248. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Serrano, E.; Giralt, S.; Liu, E.J.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S.; Toro, M.; Hong, S.G. & Vieira, G. (2019). The deglaciation of Barton Peninsula (King George Island, South Shetland, Antarctica) based on geomorphic evidence and lacustrine records. Polar Record, 55 (3): 177-188. (pdf)
Hrbáček, F.; Nývlt, D.; Láska, K.; Kňažková, M.; Engel, Z.; Oliva, M. & Mueller, C.W. (2019). Permafrost and active layer research on James Ross Island: An overview. Czech Polar Reports, 9 (1): 20-36. (pdf)
Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Palacios, D.; Tanarro, L.M.; Sanjosé-Blasco, J.J. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2019). Monitoring permafrost and periglacial processes in Sierra Nevada (Spain) from 2001 to 2016. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 30 (4): 278-291. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, L.; García-Ruiz, J.M.; Andrés, N.; Carrasco, R.M.; Pedraza, J.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Valcárcel, M. & Hughes, P. (2019). Late Quaternary glacial phases in the Iberian Peninsula. Earth-Science Reviews, 192: 564-600. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Nývlt, D.; Cannone, N.; García-Hernández, C.; Guglielmin, M.; Hrbáček, F.; Roman, M.; Fernández, S. & López-Martínez, J. (in press). Paraglacial response since the Last Glacial Maximum in the Antarctic Peninsula region. Earth-Science Reviews, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.03.014. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Mercier, D.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & McColl, S. (2019). Paraglacial dynamics in recently deglaciated environments. Land Development & Degradation, doi:10.1002/ldr.3283. (pdf)
Biskaborn, B.K.; Smith, S.L.; Noetzli, J.; Vieira, G.; Streletskiy, D.; Schoeneich, P.; Romanovsky, V.; Wu, Q.; Christiansen, H.; Lanckman, J.P.; Abramov, A.; Allard, M.; Boike, J.; Delaloye, R.; Derevyanko, I.; Diekmann, B.; Drozdov, D.; Etzelmüller, B.; Grosse, G.; Guglielmin, M.; Ingeman-Nielsen, T.; Isaksen, K.; Ishikava, M.; Johannson, M.; Johannsson, H.; Joo, A.; Kholodov, A.; Konstantinov, P.; Kröger, T.; Lambiel, C.; Lewkovicz, A.; Luo, D.; Malkova, G.; Matthes, H.; Meiklejohn, I.; Moskalenko, N.; Kaverin, D.; Oliva, M.; Paetzold, R.; Phillips, M.; Ramos, M.; Sannel, B.; Sergueev, D.; Seybold, C.; Skryabin, P.; Sletten, R.; Yoshikawa, K.; Zheleznyak, M. & Lantuit, H. (2019). Permafrost is warming at a global scale. Nature Communications, 10: 264. (pdf)
Tanski, G.; Bergstedt, H.; Bevington, A.; Bonnaventure, P.; Bouchard, F.; Coch, C.; Dumais, S.; Evgrafova, A.; Frauenfeld, O.W.; Frederick, J.; Fritz, M.; Frolov, D.;, Harder S.; Hartmeyer, I.; Heslop, J.; Högström, E.;, Johansson, M.; Kraev, G.; Kuznetsova, E.; Lenz, J.; Lupachev, A.; Magnin, F.; Martens, J.; Maslakov, A.; Morgenstern, A.; Nieuwendam, A.; Oliva, M.; Radosavljevic, B.; Ramage, J.; Schneider, A.; Stanilovskaya, J.; Strauss, J.; Trochim, E.; Vecellio, D.; Weber, S. & Lantuit, H. (2019). The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN) is getting older – its development since IPY, state and vision. Polar Record, doi: 10.1017/S0032247418000645. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Alcalá-Reygosa, J.; Andrés, N.; Oliva, M.; Tanarro, L.M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Léanni, L. & ASTER Team (2019). The challenging application of cosmogenic dating methods in residual glacial landforms: the case of Sierra Nevada (Spain). Geomorphology, 325: 103-118. (pdf)
Serrano, E.; Oliva, M.; González-García, M.; López Moreno, J.I.; González-Trueba, J.J; Martín-Moreno, R.; Martín-Díaz, J.; Gómez-Lende, M.; Nofre, J. & Palma, P. (2018). Post-Little Ice Age paraglacial processes and landforms in the high mountains of the Iberian Peninsula. Land Degradation & Development, doi: 10.1002/ldr.3171. (pdf)
Lopes, L.; Oliva, M.; Fernandes, M.; Pereira, P.; Palma, P. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2018). Spatial distribution of morphometric parameters of glacial cirques in the Central Pyrenees (Aran and Boí valleys). Journal of Mountain Science, 15 (10): 2103-2119. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2018). Late Quaternary environmental dynamics in Lenin Peak area (Pamir Mountains, Kyrgyzstan). Science of the Total Environment, 645: 603-614. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Žebre, M.; Guglielmin, M.; Çiner, A.; Vieira, G.; Bodin, X.; Andrés, N.; Colucci, R.R.; García-Hernández, C.; Hughes, P.; Mora, C.; Nofre, J.; Palacios, D.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Ribolini, A.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Sarıkaya, M.A.; Serrano, E.; Urdea, P.; Valcárcel, M.; Woodward, J. & Yıldırım, C. (2018). Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation. Earth-Science Reviews, 185: 397-436. (pdf)
Andrés, N.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Tanarro, L.M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Oliva, M. & Palacios, D. (2018). Timing of deglaciation and rock glacier origin in the southeastern Pyrenees: a review and new data. Boreas, doi: 10.1111/bor.12324. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Fritz, M. (2018). Permafrost degradation in a warmer Earth: challenges and perspectives. Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, 5: 14-18. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Nývlt, D. (2018). Past environments in mid-altitude mountains. Quaternary International, 470: 1-3.
Hrbáček, F.; Vieira, G.; Oliva, M.; Balks, M.; Guglielmin, M.; de Pablo, M.A.; Molina, A.; Ramos, M.; Goyanes, G.; Meiklejohn, I.; Abramov, A.; Demidov, N.; Fedorov-Davydov, D.; Lupachev, A.; Rivkina, E.; Láska, K.; Kňažková, M.; Nývlt, D.; Raffi, R.; Strelin, J.; Sone, T.; Fukui, K.; Dolgikh, A.; Zazovskaya, E.; Mergelov, N.; Osokin, N. & Miamin, V. (2018). Active layer monitoring in Antarctica (CALM-S): results from 2006-2015 and new perspectives. Polar Geography, doi: 10.1080/1088937X.2017.1420105. (pdf)
Oliva; M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Barriendos, M.; Benito, G.; Cuadrat, J.M.; García-Ruiz, J.M.; Giralt, S.; Gómez-Ortiz; A.; Hernández, A.; López-Costas, O.; López-Moreno, J.I.; López-Sáez, J.A.; Martínez-Cortizas, A.; Moreno, A.; Prohom, M.; Saz, M.A.; Serrano, E.; Tejedor, E., Trigo, R., Valero-Garcés, B. & Vicente-Serrano, S. (2018). The Little Ice Age in Iberian mountains. Earth Science Reviews, 177: 175-208. (pdf)
García-Hernández, C.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M. & Gallinar, D. (in press). El episodio de movimientos en masa asociado a la nevada de 1888, en el Macizo Asturiano. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 76, 52-78. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Pereira & Antoniades, D. (2017). The environmental consequences of permafrost degradation in a changing climate. Science of the Total Environment, 616-617: 435-437. (pdf)
García-Hernández, C.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Sánchez-Posada, C.; Pereira, S. & Oliva, M. (2018). An extreme event between the Little Ice Age and the 20th century: the avalanche cycle of 1888 in the Asturian Massif (northern Spain). Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, doi: 10.18172/cig.3386. (pdf)
Oliva, M. (2018). The Little Ice Age, the climatic background of present-day warming in Europe. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, doi: 10.18172/cig.3402. (pdf)
Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M. & Plana-Castellví, J.A. (2018). The geographical interest of historical documents to interpret the scientific evolution of the glacier existing in the Veleta cirque (Sierra Nevada, Spain) during the Little Ice Age. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, doi: 10.18172/cig.3415. (pdf)
Martín-Díaz, J.; Palma, P.; Golijanin, J.; Nofre, J.; Oliva, M. & Čengić, N. (2018). The urbanisation on the slopes of Sarajevo and the rise of geomorphological hazards during the post-war period. Cities, 72: 60-69. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Palma, P.; Lopes, L.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Pereira, P. & Oliva, M. (2018). Spatial distribution and morphometry of permafrost-related landforms in the Central Pyrenees and associated paleoclimatic implications. Quaternary International, 470 (A), 96-108. (pdf)
Navas, A.; Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Gaspar, L.; Quijano, L. & Lizaga, I. (2017). Radionuclides and soil properties as indicators of glacier retreat in a recently deglaciated permafrost environment of the Maritime Antarctica. Science of the Total Environment, 609: 192-204. (pdf)
López-Sáez, J.A.; Vargas, G.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Blarquez, O.; Alba-Sánchez, F.; Oliva, M.; Pérez-Díaz, S.; Robles-López, S. & Abel-Schaad, D. (2017). Paleofire dynamics and land degradation in central Spain during the late Holocene: The role of climatic and anthropogenic forcing. Land Degradation and Development, doi: 10.1002/ldr.2751. (pdf)
García-Hernández, C.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Sánchez-Posada, C.; Pereira, S.; Oliva, M. & Vieira, G. (2017). Reforestation and land use change as drivers for a decrease of avalanche damage in mid-latitude mountains (Asturian Massif, NW Spain). Global and Planetary Change, 153: 35-50. (pdf)
González-Guzmán, A.; Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; de Souza, V.S. & Otero, X.L. (2017). Biota and geomorphic processes as key environmental factors controlling soil formation at Elephant Point, Antarctica. Geoderma, 300: 32-43. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2017). Geomorphological processes and frozen ground conditions in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Geomorphology, 293 (B): 368-379. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Palma, P.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Lopes, L. (2017). Glacial stages and post-glacial environmental evolution in the Upper Garonne valley, Central Pyrenees. Science of the Total Environment, 584-585, 1282-1299. (pdf)
Palma, P.; Oliva, M.; García-Hernández, C.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, F. (2017). Spatial characterization of glacial and periglacial landforms in the high lands of Sierra Nevada (Spain). Science of the Total Environment, 584-585:1256-1267. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández; Zarankin A.; Casanova-Katny, M.A. & Nofre, J. (submitted). Geoecology and historical heritage of the ice-free area of Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Proposal for future environmental protection. Geoheritage, 9 (1): 97-109. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; García Hernández, C. (2017). Topographic and geomorphologic controls on the distribution of vegetable formations in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica). Science of the Total Environment, 587–588: 340-349. (pdf)
Martín-Díaz, J.; Nofre, J.; Oliva, M. & Palma, P. (2017). Incremento de los riesgos geomorfológicos en el espacio urbano de Sarajevo como consecuencia del proceso de suburbanización y las políticas de neoliberalización. Estudios Geográficos, Vol. LXXVII, 281, pp. 543-567. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Navarro, F.J.; Hrbáček, F.; Hernández, A.; Nývlt, D.; Pereira, P.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Trigo, R. (2017). Recent regional cooling of the Antarctic Peninsula and its impacts on the cryosphere. Science of the Total Environment, 580: 210-223. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Pereira, P; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Nieuwendam, A. (2016). Recent advances in the study of active layer thermal regime and seasonal frost dynamics in cold climate environments. Catena, 149 (2): 155-158. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Andrés, N. Salvador, F. & Oliva, M. (2016). Timing and new geomorphologic evidence of the Last Deglaciation stages in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain). Quaternary Science Reviews, 150: 110-129. (pdf)
Correia, A.; Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2016). Evaluation of frozen ground conditions along a coastal topographic gradient at Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica) by geophysical and geoecological methods. Catena, 149 (2): 529-537. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Hrbáček, F.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; De Pablo, M.A.; Vieira, G.; Ramos, M. & Antoniades, D. (2016). Active layer dynamics in three topographically distinct lake catchments in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Catena, 149 (2): 548-559. (pdf)
Hrbáček, F.; Oliva, M.; Láska, K.; Ruiz-Fernandez, J.; de Pablo, M.A.; Vieira, G.; Ramos, M. & Nývlt, D. (2016). Active layer thermal regime in two climatically contrasted sites of the Antarctic Peninsula region. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, 42 (2): 457-474. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Antoniades, D. (2016). Recent advances in the study of limnological processes in permafrost environments. Sedimentary Geology, 340: 1-2. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Hrbacek, F.; Vieira, G.; García-Hernández, C. & Gallinar, D. (2016). Soil temperatures in an Atlantic high mountain environment: The Forcadona buried ice patch (Picos de Europa, NW Spain). Catena, 149 (2): 637-647. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Nieuwendam, A.; Oliva, M.; Lopes, V.; Cruces, A.; Janeiro, A.; Freitas, C. & López-Sáez, J.A (2016). Cryogenic processes and fire activity in a high Atlantic mountain area in NW Iberia (Picos de Europa) during the Mid-Late Holocene. Science of the Total Environment, 573: 1159-1170. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2016). Geomorphological processes and frozen ground conditions in Elephant Point (Livingston island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Geomorphology, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.01.020. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Cruces, A.; Lopes, V.; Freitas, C.; García-García, C.; Geraldes, M. & López-Sáez, J.A. (in press). Post-glacial environmental evolution in Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Range, Spain). Quaternary Science Reviews, 138: 87-104. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Oliva, M. (in press). Relative palaeoenvironmental adjustments following deglaciation of the Byers Peninsula (Livingstone Island, Antarctica). Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 48 (2): 345-359. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S; Toro, M.; Sanjurjo, J.; Liu, E.J. & Vieira, G. (2016). The Holocene deglaciation of the Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica) based on the dating of lake sedimentary records. Geomorphology, 261: 89-102. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Serrano, E.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; González-Amuchastegui, M.J.; Nieuwendam, A.; Palacios, D.; Pellitero-Ondicol, R.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Valcárcel, M.; Vieira, G. & Antoniades, D. (2016). Spatial and temporal variability of periglaciation of the Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews, 137: 176-199. (pdf)
Aymerich, I.; Oliva, M.; Giralt, S. & Martín-Herrero, J. (2016). Hyperspectral detection of tephra layers in Antarctic sediment cores. PLoS ONE, 11 (1): e0146578. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146578. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Ramos, M.; Palacios, D.; Tanarro, L.; Pereira, P. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2016). Inexistence of permafrost at the top of Veleta peak (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Science of the Total Environment, 550: 484-494. (pdf)
Liu, E.J.; Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S.; Toro, M. & Geyer, A. (2015). Expanding the tephrostratigraphical framework for the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, by combining compositional and textural tephra characterisation. Sedimentary Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2015.08.002. (pdf)
Pereira, P.; Oliva, M. & Misiune, I. (2015). Spatial distribution of some precipitation indexes in Sierra Nevada, Spain. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi: 10.1007/s00704-015-1606-8. (pdf)
Fritz, M.; Deshpande, B. N.; Bouchard, F.; Högström, E.; Lepage, J.; Morgenstern, A.; Nieuwendam, A.; Oliva, M.; Paquette, M.; Rudy, A. C. A.; Siewert, M. B.; Sjöberg, Y. & Weege, S. (2015). Future avenues for permafrost science from the perspective of early career researchers. The Cryosphere, 9, 1715-1720. (pdf)
Nieuwendam, A.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Freitas, C.; Paio, V. & Cruces, A. (in press). Postglacial evolution in Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Spain) based on geomorphological and micromorphological evidences of quartz grains. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2015). Coupling patterns between paraglacial and permafrost degradation responses in Antarctica. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, doi: 10.1002/esp.3716. (pdf)
Martín, J.; Nofre, J.; Oliva, M. & Palma, P. (2015). Urban geomorphological setting and sustainable development in Sarajevo. Area, doi: 10.1111/area.12175. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; de Andrés, N.; Vázquez-Selem, L.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Oliva, M. (2015). Maximum extent of Late Pleistocene glaciers and Last Deglaciation of La Cerdanya mountains, Southeastern Pyrenees. Geomorphology, 231: 116-129. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Pereira, P.; Bockheim, J. & Navas, A. (2014). Soil processes in cold-climate environments. Solid Earth, 5: 1205-1208. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Pereira, P. & Geraldes, M. (2014). Long term soil temperature dynamics in the Sierra Nevada, Spain. Geoderma, 235-236: 170-181. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Pereira, P.; Neves, M. & Freitas, C. (2014). Sedimentological characteristics of ice-wedge polygon terrain in Adventalen valley (Svalbard) - environmental and climatic implications for the late Holocene. Solid Earth, 5: 901-914. (pdf)
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Palacios, D.; Sanjosé, J.J.; Tanarro, L.; Galindo-Zaldívar, J. & Sanz de Galdeano, C. (2014). Degradation of buried ice and permafrost in the Veleta cirque (Sierra Nevada, Spain) from 2006-2013. Solid Earth, 5, 979-993. (pdf)
Oliva, M.: Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2014). Present-day solifluction processes in the semiarid range of Sierra Nevada (Spain). Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 46 (2): 73-78. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Palacios, D.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2014). Environmental evolution in Sierra Nevada (South Spain) since the Last Glaciation based on multi-proxy records. Quaternary International, 353: 195-209. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Palacios, D.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2014). El Cuaternario en el macizo de Sierra Nevada. Evolución paleoambiental y paisaje a partir de la interpretación de registros naturales y documentos de época. Scripta Nova, Vol. XVIII, nº 472, ISSN: 1138-9788. (pdf)
Pereira, P.; Ubeda, X.; Mataix-Solera, J.; Oliva, M. & Novara, A. (2014). Short-term changes in soil Munsell colour value, organic matter content and soil water repellency after a spring grassland fire in Lithuania. Solid Earth, 5: 209-225. (pdf)
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M., Salvà-Catarineu, M. & Salvador-Franch, F. (2013). The environmental protection of landscapes in the high semiarid Mediterranean mountain of Sierra Nevada National Park (Spain): historical evolution and future perspectives. Applied Geography, 42: 227-239. (pdf)
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Palacios, D.; Palade, B.; Vázquez-Selem, L.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Tanarro, L. & Oliva, M. (2013). La evolución glaciar de Sierra Nevada y la formación de glaciares rocosos. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 61: 139-162. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2012). Late Holocene environmental dynamics and climate variability in a Mediterranean high mountain environment (Sierra Nevada, Spain) inferred from lake sediments and historical sources. The Holocene, 22 (8): 915-927. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2011). Palaeoecological evolution in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain) over the last millennium inferred from solifluction landforms, lake sediments and documentary sources. Quaternary International, 279-280, 359. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A. & Jorge, M. (2012). Preliminary results of the Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal). Quaternary International, 279-280, 359. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Schulte, L. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2011). The role of aridification in constraining the elevation range of Holocene solifluction processes and associated landforms in the periglacial belt of the Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36: 1279-1291. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2011). Holocene slope dynamics in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Sedimentological analysis of solifluction landforms and lake deposits. In: Martini, I.P.; French, H.M. & Pérez Alberti, A. (eds.). Ice-Marginal and Periglacial Processes and Sediments. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 354: 227-239.doi: 10.1144/SP354.15. (pdf)
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M., Salvà-Catarineu, M. & Salvador-Franch, F. (2010). El paisaje como valor patrimonial en los espacios protegidos: el caso del Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada (España). Scripta Nova. XIV, nº 346. (pdf)
Oliva, M. (2010). Holocene alpine environments in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 54: 503-508. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A. & Schulte, L. (2010). Tendencia a la aridez en Sierra Nevada desde el Holoceno Medio inferida a partir de sedimentos lacustres. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 52: 27-42 and 349-351. (pdf)
Pereira, P.; Oliva, M.& Baltrenaite, E. (2010). Modeling extreme precipitation in hazardous mountainous areas. Contribution to landscape planning and environmental management. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 18 (4): 329-342. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Schulte, L. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2009). Morphometry and Late Holocene activity of solifluction landforms in the Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 20 (4): 369-382. (pdf)
Cameron, E.; Oliva, M. & Antoniades, D. (2025). Extreme Arctic lakes reveal accelerating ecological shifts linked to 21st century warming. Scientific Reports.
Noetzli, J.; Isaksen, K.; Barnett, J.; Christiansen, H. H.; Delaloye, R.; Etzelmueller, B.; Farinotti, D.; Gallemann, T.; Guglielmin, M.; Hilbich, C.; Hoelzle, M.; Lambiel, C.; Magnin, F.; Oliva, M.; Paro, L.; Pogliotti, P.; Riedl, C.; Schoeneich, P.; Valt, M.; Vieli, A. & Phillips, M. (2024). Enhanced warming of European mountain permafrost in the early 21st century. Nature Communications, 15: 10508. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Sancho-García, L.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Çiner, A.; Fernandes, M.; García-Oteyza, J.; Sarıkaya, M.A.; Serrano, E.; Kaveh-Firouz, A.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Vieira, G.; Antoniades, D.; Bonsoms, J. & ASTER Team (2024). The origin of the ice-free areas of the Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Quaternary Science Reviews, 344: 108991. (pdf)
Garcia-Oteyza J.; Oliva M., Palacios D., Fernández-Fernández J. M., Schimmelpfennig I., Fernandes M., Giralt S., Antoniades D., Andrés, N., Jomelli, V. (2024). Chronology of climate-linked landscape evolution in NE Greenland from CRE dating of landforms. Boreas, doi: 10.1111/bor.12683. (pdf)
Çiner, A.; Oliva, M.; Ventura, J.; Sarıkaya, M.A; Candaş, A.; Palacios, D.; Altinay, O.; Binnie, S.A. & Castañeda, N. (2024). Late Pleistocene Glacial chronology and paleoclimate of the Cadí massif, SE Pyrenees, Spain: Insights from 36Cl cosmogenic surface exposure dating and glacier modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews, 345: 109020. (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; Oliva, M. & López-Moreno, J.I. & Fettweis, X. (2024). Rising extreme meltwater trends in Greenland ice sheet (1950 – 2022): surface energy balance and large-scale circulation changes. Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0396.1 (pdf)
Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Oliva, M.; Ribolini, A. & Sæmundsson, Þ. (2024). Cryosphere degradation in a changing climate. Land Degradation & Development, doi: 10.1002/ldr.5204 (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; López-Moreno, J.I.; Alonso-González, E.; Deschamps-Berger, C. & Oliva, M. (2024). Rain-on-snow responses to warmer Pyrenees: a sensitivity analysis using a physically based snow hydrological model. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24: 245–264. (pdf)
González-Herrero, S.; Navarro, F.; Pertierra, L.; Oliva, M.; Dadic, R.; Peck, L. & Lehning, M. (2023). Southward migration of the zero-degree isotherm latitude over the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic Peninsula: Cryospheric, biotic and societal implications. Science of the Total Environment, 912: 168473. (pdf)
Antoniades, D.; Klanten, Y.; Cameron, E.; Garcia-Oteyza, J.; Oliva, M. & Vincent, W.F. (2024). Evidence of summer thermal stratification in extreme northern lakes. Arctic Science, doi: 10.1139/AS-2023-0037. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Garcia-Oteyza, J.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; ASTER Team & Antoniades, D. (2023). Geomorphological record of the glacial to periglacial transition from the Bølling–Allerød to the Holocene in the Central Pyrenees: the Lòcampo cirque in the regional context. Boreas, 53(1): 71-87. (pdf)
García-Oteyza, J.; Giralt, S; Pla-Rabes, S.; Antoniades, D.; Oliva, M.; Ghanbari, H.; Osorio-Serrano, R. & Palacios, D. (2023). A ~5000 year multiproxy record of summer climate in NE Greenland. Science of the Total Environment, 906: 167713. (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; Oliva, M.; Alonso-González, E.; Revuelto, J. & López-Moreno, J.I. (2023). Impact of climate change on snowpack dynamics in coastal Central-Western Greenland. Science of the Total Environment, 913: 169616. (pdf)
Hrbáček, F.; Oliva, M.; Hansen, C.; Balks, M.; O’Neill, T.; de Pablo, M.A.; Vieira, G.; Ponti, S.; Ramos, M.; Abramov, A.; Pastirikova, L.; Guglielmin, M.; Goyanes, G.; Francellino, M. Schaefer, C. & Lacelle, D. (2023). Active layer and permafrost thermal regimes in the ice-free areas of Antarctica. Earth-Science Reviews, 242: 104458. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Fernandes, M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Vieira, G.; Antoniades, D.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; García-Oteyza, J. & ASTER Team (2023). Holocene deglaciation of the northern Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Land Degradation & Development, 34 (13): 3973-3990. (pdf)
Toro, M.; Granados, I.; Camacho, A.; Montes, C. & Oliva, M. (2023). Morfogénesis de las lagunas glaciares de las sierras de Guadarrama y Gredos (sistema Central Ibérico). Pirineos, 178 e076. (pdf)
García-Oteyza, J.; Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Fernandes, M.; Medialdea, A.; Giralt, S.; Jomelli, V.; Antoniades, D. & ASTER Team (2023). Holocene glacial oscillations in the Tyroler Valley (NE Greenland). Land Degradation & Development, doi: 10.1002/ldr.4633. (pdf)
Turu, V.; Peña-Monné, J.L.; Cunha, P.; Jalut, G.; Buylaert, J.P.; Murray, A.S.; Bridgland, D.; Faurschou-Knudsen, M.; Carrasco, R.M.; Ros, X.; Turu-Font, L.; Oliva, M. & Ventura, J. (2022). Glacial–interglacial cycles in the south–central and south-eastern Pyrenees since ~180 ka (NE Spain-Andorra-SE France). Quaternary Research, 10.1017/qua.2022.68 (pdf).
González-Herrero, S.; Barriopedro, D.; Trigo, R.; López-Bustins, J.A. & Oliva, M. (2022). Climate warming amplified the 2020 record-breaking heatwave in the Antarctic Peninsula. Communications Earth & Environment, doi: 10.1038/s43247-022-00450-5. (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; López-Moreno, J.I.; González-Herrero, S. & Oliva, M. (2022). Increase of the energy available for snow ablation in the Pyrenees (1959 – 2020) and its relation to atmospheric circulation. Atmospheric Research, 275: 106228. (pdf)
García-Oteyza, J.; Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Andrés, N.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Antoniades, D.; Christiansen, H.; Humlun, O.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & ASTER Team (2022). Deglaciation history and paraglacial dynamics in the Zackenberg area, NE Greenland. Geomorphology, 401: 108125. (pdf)
Santos-González, J.; González-Gutiérrez, R.B.; Redondo-Vega, J.M.; Gómez-Villar, A.; Jomelli, V.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Andrés, N.; García-Ruiz, J.M.; Peña-Pérez, S. A.; Melón-Nava, A.; Oliva, M.; Álvarez-Martínez, J.; Charton, J.; ASTER Team & Palacios, D. (2022). The origin and collapse of relict rock glaciers during the Bølling-Allerød interstadial: a new study case from the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain). Geomorphology, 401: 108112. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Vieira, G. & Lopes, L. (2022). Geomorphological map of the Aran valley (Upper Garonne valley, Central Pyrenees). Journal of Maps, doi: 10.1080/17445647.2022.2035266.
Tanarro, L.M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Andrés, N.; Oliva, M.: Rodríguez-Mena, M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Brynjólfsson, S.; Sæmundsson, Þ.; Zamorano, J.J.; Úbeda, J. & ASTER Team (2021). Origins of the divergent evolution of mountain glaciers during deglaciation: Hofsdalur cirques, Northern Iceland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 273: 107248. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Delmas, M.; Garcia-Oteyza, J.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Ventura, J.; ASTER Team & Antoniades, D. (2021). Maximum glacier extent of the Penultimate Glacial Cycle in the Upper Garonne Basin (Pyrenees): new chronological evidence. Environmental Earth Sciences, 80: 796. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Garcia-Oteyza, J.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; ASTER Team & Antoniades, D. (2021). Glacial oscillations during the Bølling-Allerød Interstadial-Younger Dryas transition in the Ruda Valley, Central Pyrenees. Journal of Quaternary Science, doi: 10.1002/jqs.3379. (pdf)
Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; García-Oteyza, J.; Navarro, F.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Léannid, L. & ASTER Team (2021). Ice thinning on nunataks during the Last Glacial Termination in the Antarctic Peninsula according to Cosmic-Ray Exposure dating: evidence and uncertainties. Quaternary Science Reviews, 264: 107029. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Rodríguez-Mena, M.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Tanarro, L.M.; Zamorano, J.J., Andrés, N.; Sæmundsson, Þ., Brynjólfsson, S.; Oliva, M. & ASTER Team (2021). Reversible glacial-periglacial transition in response to climate changes and paraglacial coupling: a case study from Héðinsdalsjökull (Northern Iceland). Geomorphology, 388: 107787. (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; González-Herrero, S.; Prohom, M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; López-Moreno, J.I. & Oliva, M. (2021). Spatio‐temporal patterns of snow in the Catalan Pyrenees (NE Iberia). International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.7147. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Fernandes, M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; ASTER Team & Antoniades, D. (2021). Rapid deglaciation during the Bølling-Allerød Interstadial in the Central Pyrenees and associated glacial and periglacial landforms. Geomorphology, 385: 107735. (pdf)
Bonsoms, J.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Oliva, M. (2021). Snowfall and snow cover evolution in the Eastern Pre-Pyrenees (NE Iberian Peninsula). Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, doi: 10.18172/cig.4879. (pdf)
2020 and before
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Vieira, G. (2020). Paraglacial slope failures in the Aran valley (Central Pyrenees). Quaternary International, 566-567: 24-38. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Oliva, M.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Andrés, N.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Léannid, L. & ASTER Team (2020). Climate sensitivity and geomorphologic response of cirque glaciers from the late glacial to the Holocene, Sierra Nevada, Spain. Quaternary Science Reviews, 248: 106617. (pdf)
Etzelmüller, B.; Guglielmin, M.; Hauck, C.; Hilbich, C.; Hoelzle, M.; Isaksen, K.; Nötzli, J.; Oliva, M.; Ramos, M. & Vieli, A. (2020). Twenty years of European mountain permafrost dynamics – the PACE legacy. Environmental Research Letters, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abae9d. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Oliva, M. (2020). Geomorphological processes in the Ala Archa National Park (Kyrgyzstan, Tian Shan Range). Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 42 (2): 255-268. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Sarikaya, A. & Hughes, P. (2020). Holocene and earlier glaciations in the Mediterranean mountains. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, 2 (1): 1-4. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Andrés, N.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Leanni, L.; González-Díaz, B. & ASTER Team (2020). Timing of formation of neoglacial landforms in the South Shetland Islands (Antarctic Peninsula): Regional and global implications. Quaternary Science Reviews, 234: 106248. (pdf)
Hrbáček, F.; Oliva, M.; Ruiz Fernández, J.; Kňažková, M. & de Pablo, M.A. (2020). Modelling ground thermal regime in bordering (dis)continuous permafrost environments. Environmental Research, 181: 108901. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Palacios, D.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Andrés, N.; Tanarro, L.M.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M. & Barriocanal, C. (2019). Multiproxy reconstruction of Holocene glaciers in Sierra Nevada (south Spain). Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, doi 10.1007/s42990-019-00008-2. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Hughes, P. (2019). Permafrost and periglacial processes in mid- and low-latitude mountains regions. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 30 (4): 245-248. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Serrano, E.; Giralt, S.; Liu, E.J.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S.; Toro, M.; Hong, S.G. & Vieira, G. (2019). The deglaciation of Barton Peninsula (King George Island, South Shetland, Antarctica) based on geomorphic evidence and lacustrine records. Polar Record, 55 (3): 177-188. (pdf)
Hrbáček, F.; Nývlt, D.; Láska, K.; Kňažková, M.; Engel, Z.; Oliva, M. & Mueller, C.W. (2019). Permafrost and active layer research on James Ross Island: An overview. Czech Polar Reports, 9 (1): 20-36. (pdf)
Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Palacios, D.; Tanarro, L.M.; Sanjosé-Blasco, J.J. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2019). Monitoring permafrost and periglacial processes in Sierra Nevada (Spain) from 2001 to 2016. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 30 (4): 278-291. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, L.; García-Ruiz, J.M.; Andrés, N.; Carrasco, R.M.; Pedraza, J.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Valcárcel, M. & Hughes, P. (2019). Late Quaternary glacial phases in the Iberian Peninsula. Earth-Science Reviews, 192: 564-600. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Nývlt, D.; Cannone, N.; García-Hernández, C.; Guglielmin, M.; Hrbáček, F.; Roman, M.; Fernández, S. & López-Martínez, J. (in press). Paraglacial response since the Last Glacial Maximum in the Antarctic Peninsula region. Earth-Science Reviews, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.03.014. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Mercier, D.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & McColl, S. (2019). Paraglacial dynamics in recently deglaciated environments. Land Development & Degradation, doi:10.1002/ldr.3283. (pdf)
Biskaborn, B.K.; Smith, S.L.; Noetzli, J.; Vieira, G.; Streletskiy, D.; Schoeneich, P.; Romanovsky, V.; Wu, Q.; Christiansen, H.; Lanckman, J.P.; Abramov, A.; Allard, M.; Boike, J.; Delaloye, R.; Derevyanko, I.; Diekmann, B.; Drozdov, D.; Etzelmüller, B.; Grosse, G.; Guglielmin, M.; Ingeman-Nielsen, T.; Isaksen, K.; Ishikava, M.; Johannson, M.; Johannsson, H.; Joo, A.; Kholodov, A.; Konstantinov, P.; Kröger, T.; Lambiel, C.; Lewkovicz, A.; Luo, D.; Malkova, G.; Matthes, H.; Meiklejohn, I.; Moskalenko, N.; Kaverin, D.; Oliva, M.; Paetzold, R.; Phillips, M.; Ramos, M.; Sannel, B.; Sergueev, D.; Seybold, C.; Skryabin, P.; Sletten, R.; Yoshikawa, K.; Zheleznyak, M. & Lantuit, H. (2019). Permafrost is warming at a global scale. Nature Communications, 10: 264. (pdf)
Tanski, G.; Bergstedt, H.; Bevington, A.; Bonnaventure, P.; Bouchard, F.; Coch, C.; Dumais, S.; Evgrafova, A.; Frauenfeld, O.W.; Frederick, J.; Fritz, M.; Frolov, D.;, Harder S.; Hartmeyer, I.; Heslop, J.; Högström, E.;, Johansson, M.; Kraev, G.; Kuznetsova, E.; Lenz, J.; Lupachev, A.; Magnin, F.; Martens, J.; Maslakov, A.; Morgenstern, A.; Nieuwendam, A.; Oliva, M.; Radosavljevic, B.; Ramage, J.; Schneider, A.; Stanilovskaya, J.; Strauss, J.; Trochim, E.; Vecellio, D.; Weber, S. & Lantuit, H. (2019). The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN) is getting older – its development since IPY, state and vision. Polar Record, doi: 10.1017/S0032247418000645. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Alcalá-Reygosa, J.; Andrés, N.; Oliva, M.; Tanarro, L.M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Schimmelpfennig, I.; Léanni, L. & ASTER Team (2019). The challenging application of cosmogenic dating methods in residual glacial landforms: the case of Sierra Nevada (Spain). Geomorphology, 325: 103-118. (pdf)
Serrano, E.; Oliva, M.; González-García, M.; López Moreno, J.I.; González-Trueba, J.J; Martín-Moreno, R.; Martín-Díaz, J.; Gómez-Lende, M.; Nofre, J. & Palma, P. (2018). Post-Little Ice Age paraglacial processes and landforms in the high mountains of the Iberian Peninsula. Land Degradation & Development, doi: 10.1002/ldr.3171. (pdf)
Lopes, L.; Oliva, M.; Fernandes, M.; Pereira, P.; Palma, P. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2018). Spatial distribution of morphometric parameters of glacial cirques in the Central Pyrenees (Aran and Boí valleys). Journal of Mountain Science, 15 (10): 2103-2119. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2018). Late Quaternary environmental dynamics in Lenin Peak area (Pamir Mountains, Kyrgyzstan). Science of the Total Environment, 645: 603-614. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Žebre, M.; Guglielmin, M.; Çiner, A.; Vieira, G.; Bodin, X.; Andrés, N.; Colucci, R.R.; García-Hernández, C.; Hughes, P.; Mora, C.; Nofre, J.; Palacios, D.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Ribolini, A.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Sarıkaya, M.A.; Serrano, E.; Urdea, P.; Valcárcel, M.; Woodward, J. & Yıldırım, C. (2018). Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation. Earth-Science Reviews, 185: 397-436. (pdf)
Andrés, N.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Fernández-Fernández, J.M.; Tanarro, L.M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Oliva, M. & Palacios, D. (2018). Timing of deglaciation and rock glacier origin in the southeastern Pyrenees: a review and new data. Boreas, doi: 10.1111/bor.12324. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Fritz, M. (2018). Permafrost degradation in a warmer Earth: challenges and perspectives. Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, 5: 14-18. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Nývlt, D. (2018). Past environments in mid-altitude mountains. Quaternary International, 470: 1-3.
Hrbáček, F.; Vieira, G.; Oliva, M.; Balks, M.; Guglielmin, M.; de Pablo, M.A.; Molina, A.; Ramos, M.; Goyanes, G.; Meiklejohn, I.; Abramov, A.; Demidov, N.; Fedorov-Davydov, D.; Lupachev, A.; Rivkina, E.; Láska, K.; Kňažková, M.; Nývlt, D.; Raffi, R.; Strelin, J.; Sone, T.; Fukui, K.; Dolgikh, A.; Zazovskaya, E.; Mergelov, N.; Osokin, N. & Miamin, V. (2018). Active layer monitoring in Antarctica (CALM-S): results from 2006-2015 and new perspectives. Polar Geography, doi: 10.1080/1088937X.2017.1420105. (pdf)
Oliva; M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Barriendos, M.; Benito, G.; Cuadrat, J.M.; García-Ruiz, J.M.; Giralt, S.; Gómez-Ortiz; A.; Hernández, A.; López-Costas, O.; López-Moreno, J.I.; López-Sáez, J.A.; Martínez-Cortizas, A.; Moreno, A.; Prohom, M.; Saz, M.A.; Serrano, E.; Tejedor, E., Trigo, R., Valero-Garcés, B. & Vicente-Serrano, S. (2018). The Little Ice Age in Iberian mountains. Earth Science Reviews, 177: 175-208. (pdf)
García-Hernández, C.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M. & Gallinar, D. (in press). El episodio de movimientos en masa asociado a la nevada de 1888, en el Macizo Asturiano. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 76, 52-78. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Pereira & Antoniades, D. (2017). The environmental consequences of permafrost degradation in a changing climate. Science of the Total Environment, 616-617: 435-437. (pdf)
García-Hernández, C.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Sánchez-Posada, C.; Pereira, S. & Oliva, M. (2018). An extreme event between the Little Ice Age and the 20th century: the avalanche cycle of 1888 in the Asturian Massif (northern Spain). Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, doi: 10.18172/cig.3386. (pdf)
Oliva, M. (2018). The Little Ice Age, the climatic background of present-day warming in Europe. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, doi: 10.18172/cig.3402. (pdf)
Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M. & Plana-Castellví, J.A. (2018). The geographical interest of historical documents to interpret the scientific evolution of the glacier existing in the Veleta cirque (Sierra Nevada, Spain) during the Little Ice Age. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, doi: 10.18172/cig.3415. (pdf)
Martín-Díaz, J.; Palma, P.; Golijanin, J.; Nofre, J.; Oliva, M. & Čengić, N. (2018). The urbanisation on the slopes of Sarajevo and the rise of geomorphological hazards during the post-war period. Cities, 72: 60-69. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Palma, P.; Lopes, L.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Pereira, P. & Oliva, M. (2018). Spatial distribution and morphometry of permafrost-related landforms in the Central Pyrenees and associated paleoclimatic implications. Quaternary International, 470 (A), 96-108. (pdf)
Navas, A.; Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Gaspar, L.; Quijano, L. & Lizaga, I. (2017). Radionuclides and soil properties as indicators of glacier retreat in a recently deglaciated permafrost environment of the Maritime Antarctica. Science of the Total Environment, 609: 192-204. (pdf)
López-Sáez, J.A.; Vargas, G.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Blarquez, O.; Alba-Sánchez, F.; Oliva, M.; Pérez-Díaz, S.; Robles-López, S. & Abel-Schaad, D. (2017). Paleofire dynamics and land degradation in central Spain during the late Holocene: The role of climatic and anthropogenic forcing. Land Degradation and Development, doi: 10.1002/ldr.2751. (pdf)
García-Hernández, C.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Sánchez-Posada, C.; Pereira, S.; Oliva, M. & Vieira, G. (2017). Reforestation and land use change as drivers for a decrease of avalanche damage in mid-latitude mountains (Asturian Massif, NW Spain). Global and Planetary Change, 153: 35-50. (pdf)
González-Guzmán, A.; Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; de Souza, V.S. & Otero, X.L. (2017). Biota and geomorphic processes as key environmental factors controlling soil formation at Elephant Point, Antarctica. Geoderma, 300: 32-43. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2017). Geomorphological processes and frozen ground conditions in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Geomorphology, 293 (B): 368-379. (pdf)
Fernandes, M.; Oliva, M.; Palma, P.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Lopes, L. (2017). Glacial stages and post-glacial environmental evolution in the Upper Garonne valley, Central Pyrenees. Science of the Total Environment, 584-585, 1282-1299. (pdf)
Palma, P.; Oliva, M.; García-Hernández, C.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, F. (2017). Spatial characterization of glacial and periglacial landforms in the high lands of Sierra Nevada (Spain). Science of the Total Environment, 584-585:1256-1267. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández; Zarankin A.; Casanova-Katny, M.A. & Nofre, J. (submitted). Geoecology and historical heritage of the ice-free area of Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Proposal for future environmental protection. Geoheritage, 9 (1): 97-109. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; García Hernández, C. (2017). Topographic and geomorphologic controls on the distribution of vegetable formations in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica). Science of the Total Environment, 587–588: 340-349. (pdf)
Martín-Díaz, J.; Nofre, J.; Oliva, M. & Palma, P. (2017). Incremento de los riesgos geomorfológicos en el espacio urbano de Sarajevo como consecuencia del proceso de suburbanización y las políticas de neoliberalización. Estudios Geográficos, Vol. LXXVII, 281, pp. 543-567. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Navarro, F.J.; Hrbáček, F.; Hernández, A.; Nývlt, D.; Pereira, P.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Trigo, R. (2017). Recent regional cooling of the Antarctic Peninsula and its impacts on the cryosphere. Science of the Total Environment, 580: 210-223. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Pereira, P; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Nieuwendam, A. (2016). Recent advances in the study of active layer thermal regime and seasonal frost dynamics in cold climate environments. Catena, 149 (2): 155-158. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Andrés, N. Salvador, F. & Oliva, M. (2016). Timing and new geomorphologic evidence of the Last Deglaciation stages in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain). Quaternary Science Reviews, 150: 110-129. (pdf)
Correia, A.; Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2016). Evaluation of frozen ground conditions along a coastal topographic gradient at Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica) by geophysical and geoecological methods. Catena, 149 (2): 529-537. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Hrbáček, F.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; De Pablo, M.A.; Vieira, G.; Ramos, M. & Antoniades, D. (2016). Active layer dynamics in three topographically distinct lake catchments in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Catena, 149 (2): 548-559. (pdf)
Hrbáček, F.; Oliva, M.; Láska, K.; Ruiz-Fernandez, J.; de Pablo, M.A.; Vieira, G.; Ramos, M. & Nývlt, D. (2016). Active layer thermal regime in two climatically contrasted sites of the Antarctic Peninsula region. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, 42 (2): 457-474. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Antoniades, D. (2016). Recent advances in the study of limnological processes in permafrost environments. Sedimentary Geology, 340: 1-2. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Hrbacek, F.; Vieira, G.; García-Hernández, C. & Gallinar, D. (2016). Soil temperatures in an Atlantic high mountain environment: The Forcadona buried ice patch (Picos de Europa, NW Spain). Catena, 149 (2): 637-647. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Nieuwendam, A.; Oliva, M.; Lopes, V.; Cruces, A.; Janeiro, A.; Freitas, C. & López-Sáez, J.A (2016). Cryogenic processes and fire activity in a high Atlantic mountain area in NW Iberia (Picos de Europa) during the Mid-Late Holocene. Science of the Total Environment, 573: 1159-1170. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2016). Geomorphological processes and frozen ground conditions in Elephant Point (Livingston island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Geomorphology, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.01.020. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Cruces, A.; Lopes, V.; Freitas, C.; García-García, C.; Geraldes, M. & López-Sáez, J.A. (in press). Post-glacial environmental evolution in Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Range, Spain). Quaternary Science Reviews, 138: 87-104. (pdf)
Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Oliva, M. (in press). Relative palaeoenvironmental adjustments following deglaciation of the Byers Peninsula (Livingstone Island, Antarctica). Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 48 (2): 345-359. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S; Toro, M.; Sanjurjo, J.; Liu, E.J. & Vieira, G. (2016). The Holocene deglaciation of the Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica) based on the dating of lake sedimentary records. Geomorphology, 261: 89-102. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Serrano, E.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; González-Amuchastegui, M.J.; Nieuwendam, A.; Palacios, D.; Pellitero-Ondicol, R.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Valcárcel, M.; Vieira, G. & Antoniades, D. (2016). Spatial and temporal variability of periglaciation of the Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews, 137: 176-199. (pdf)
Aymerich, I.; Oliva, M.; Giralt, S. & Martín-Herrero, J. (2016). Hyperspectral detection of tephra layers in Antarctic sediment cores. PLoS ONE, 11 (1): e0146578. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146578. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Ramos, M.; Palacios, D.; Tanarro, L.; Pereira, P. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2016). Inexistence of permafrost at the top of Veleta peak (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Science of the Total Environment, 550: 484-494. (pdf)
Liu, E.J.; Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S.; Toro, M. & Geyer, A. (2015). Expanding the tephrostratigraphical framework for the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, by combining compositional and textural tephra characterisation. Sedimentary Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2015.08.002. (pdf)
Pereira, P.; Oliva, M. & Misiune, I. (2015). Spatial distribution of some precipitation indexes in Sierra Nevada, Spain. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi: 10.1007/s00704-015-1606-8. (pdf)
Fritz, M.; Deshpande, B. N.; Bouchard, F.; Högström, E.; Lepage, J.; Morgenstern, A.; Nieuwendam, A.; Oliva, M.; Paquette, M.; Rudy, A. C. A.; Siewert, M. B.; Sjöberg, Y. & Weege, S. (2015). Future avenues for permafrost science from the perspective of early career researchers. The Cryosphere, 9, 1715-1720. (pdf)
Nieuwendam, A.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Freitas, C.; Paio, V. & Cruces, A. (in press). Postglacial evolution in Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Spain) based on geomorphological and micromorphological evidences of quartz grains. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2015). Coupling patterns between paraglacial and permafrost degradation responses in Antarctica. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, doi: 10.1002/esp.3716. (pdf)
Martín, J.; Nofre, J.; Oliva, M. & Palma, P. (2015). Urban geomorphological setting and sustainable development in Sarajevo. Area, doi: 10.1111/area.12175. (pdf)
Palacios, D.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; de Andrés, N.; Vázquez-Selem, L.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Oliva, M. (2015). Maximum extent of Late Pleistocene glaciers and Last Deglaciation of La Cerdanya mountains, Southeastern Pyrenees. Geomorphology, 231: 116-129. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Pereira, P.; Bockheim, J. & Navas, A. (2014). Soil processes in cold-climate environments. Solid Earth, 5: 1205-1208. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Pereira, P. & Geraldes, M. (2014). Long term soil temperature dynamics in the Sierra Nevada, Spain. Geoderma, 235-236: 170-181. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Pereira, P.; Neves, M. & Freitas, C. (2014). Sedimentological characteristics of ice-wedge polygon terrain in Adventalen valley (Svalbard) - environmental and climatic implications for the late Holocene. Solid Earth, 5: 901-914. (pdf)
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Palacios, D.; Sanjosé, J.J.; Tanarro, L.; Galindo-Zaldívar, J. & Sanz de Galdeano, C. (2014). Degradation of buried ice and permafrost in the Veleta cirque (Sierra Nevada, Spain) from 2006-2013. Solid Earth, 5, 979-993. (pdf)
Oliva, M.: Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2014). Present-day solifluction processes in the semiarid range of Sierra Nevada (Spain). Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 46 (2): 73-78. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Palacios, D.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2014). Environmental evolution in Sierra Nevada (South Spain) since the Last Glaciation based on multi-proxy records. Quaternary International, 353: 195-209. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Palacios, D.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2014). El Cuaternario en el macizo de Sierra Nevada. Evolución paleoambiental y paisaje a partir de la interpretación de registros naturales y documentos de época. Scripta Nova, Vol. XVIII, nº 472, ISSN: 1138-9788. (pdf)
Pereira, P.; Ubeda, X.; Mataix-Solera, J.; Oliva, M. & Novara, A. (2014). Short-term changes in soil Munsell colour value, organic matter content and soil water repellency after a spring grassland fire in Lithuania. Solid Earth, 5: 209-225. (pdf)
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M., Salvà-Catarineu, M. & Salvador-Franch, F. (2013). The environmental protection of landscapes in the high semiarid Mediterranean mountain of Sierra Nevada National Park (Spain): historical evolution and future perspectives. Applied Geography, 42: 227-239. (pdf)
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Palacios, D.; Palade, B.; Vázquez-Selem, L.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Tanarro, L. & Oliva, M. (2013). La evolución glaciar de Sierra Nevada y la formación de glaciares rocosos. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 61: 139-162. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2012). Late Holocene environmental dynamics and climate variability in a Mediterranean high mountain environment (Sierra Nevada, Spain) inferred from lake sediments and historical sources. The Holocene, 22 (8): 915-927. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2011). Palaeoecological evolution in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain) over the last millennium inferred from solifluction landforms, lake sediments and documentary sources. Quaternary International, 279-280, 359. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A. & Jorge, M. (2012). Preliminary results of the Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal). Quaternary International, 279-280, 359. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Schulte, L. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2011). The role of aridification in constraining the elevation range of Holocene solifluction processes and associated landforms in the periglacial belt of the Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36: 1279-1291. (pdf)
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2011). Holocene slope dynamics in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Sedimentological analysis of solifluction landforms and lake deposits. In: Martini, I.P.; French, H.M. & Pérez Alberti, A. (eds.). Ice-Marginal and Periglacial Processes and Sediments. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 354: 227-239.doi: 10.1144/SP354.15. (pdf)
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M., Salvà-Catarineu, M. & Salvador-Franch, F. (2010). El paisaje como valor patrimonial en los espacios protegidos: el caso del Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada (España). Scripta Nova. XIV, nº 346. (pdf)
Oliva, M. (2010). Holocene alpine environments in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 54: 503-508. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A. & Schulte, L. (2010). Tendencia a la aridez en Sierra Nevada desde el Holoceno Medio inferida a partir de sedimentos lacustres. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 52: 27-42 and 349-351. (pdf)
Pereira, P.; Oliva, M.& Baltrenaite, E. (2010). Modeling extreme precipitation in hazardous mountainous areas. Contribution to landscape planning and environmental management. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 18 (4): 329-342. (pdf)
Oliva, M.; Schulte, L. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2009). Morphometry and Late Holocene activity of solifluction landforms in the Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 20 (4): 369-382. (pdf)