Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Event: fieldtrip for students of “Field work in Physical Geography”
Title: Field work in Cerdanya
Place and date: Cerdanya, 22-26 May 2023
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Event: meeting of the Catalan Arctic scientific community
Title: Seminar on “Workshop Investigadores/s catalanes/s a l’Àrtic”
Place and date: Barcelona, 12 December 2022
Institution: Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu
Event: open seminar
Title: Seminar on “The glacial and periglacial landscape of the Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu”
Place and date: Llavorsí, 18 October 2022
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Event: open seminar
Title: Seminar on mountain regions: study cases from the Pyrenees, Sarajevo and Iceland
Place and date: Barcelona, 26 April 2022
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Event: open seminar
Title: Workshop on mountain studies: from polar to mid-latitude mountain regions
Place and date: Barcelona, 21 January 2021
Institution: University of Lisbon
Event: international fieldtrip for students of “Quaternary environments” and “Field work in Physical Geography”
Title: Quaternary environments in Galiza southern coast, Xistral and Picos de Europa massifs (Spain)
Place and date: Galicia-Asturias (Spain), 17-20 April April 2017
Institution: European Geosciences Union
Event: scientific organization of a workshop during the EGU General Assembly 2017
Title: Workshop on “The future of permafrost in a climate changing world”
Place and date: Vienna (Austria), 24-4-2017
Institution: University of Lisbon
Event: international fieldtrip for students of “Quaternary environments” and “Field work in Physical Geography”
Title: Quaternary environments in Galiza coast, Xistral and Picos de Europa massifs (Spain)
Place and date: Galicia-Asturias (Spain), 31 March-3 April 2016
Institution: European Geosciences Union
Event: scientific organization of a workshop during the EGU General Assembly 2015
Title: Workshop on “The future of permafrost in a climate changing world”
Place and date: Vienna (Austria), 14-4-2015
Institution: Permafrost Young Researchers Network, APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists), PAGE21 (Changing Permafrost in the Arctic and its Global Effects in the 21st Century) and ADAPT (Arctic Development and Adaptation to Permafrost in Transition)
Event: scientific organization of a workshop before for young researchers before the 4th European Conference on Permafrost
Title: Permafrost Young Researchers Workshop
Place and date: Évora (Portugal), 17th June 2014
Institution: University of Lisbon and University of Oviedo
Event: international fieldtrip for students of “Quaternary environments”
Title: Quaternary environments in Sierra Nevada (Spain)
Place and date: Granada-Sierra Nevada (Spain), May 2014
Institution: European Geosciences Union
Event: scientific organization of a workshop during the EGU General Assembly 2014
Title: Workshop on “Methods and techniques to study permafrost in a climate change scenario”
Place and date: Vienna (Austria), 28-4-2014
Institution: International Permafrost Association, Iberian section
Event: Field trip within the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association
Title: Rock glaciers in the Puigmal massif (Eastern Pyrenees)
Place and date: Vall de Núria (Catalonia), 27-6-2013
Institution: University of Lisbon and University of Oviedo
Event: international fieldtrip for students of Geography co-organized by the University of Lisbon and University of Oviedo under the supervision of Dr Marc Oliva and Dr Jesús Ruiz-Fernández
Title: Quaternary environments in the Picos de Europa (Asturias, Spain)
Place and date: Asturias (Spain), from 26th to 28th April, 2013
Institution: Societat Catalana de Geografia, Institut d’Estudis Catalans
Event: Organization of a seminar
Title: L’Antàrtida i els geògrafs
Place and date: Barcelona, 22nd and 29th May, 2012
Institution: University of Lisbon
Event: international fieldtrip for students of “Quaternary environments”
Title: Quaternary environments in Serra da Estrela (Portugal)
Place and date: Serra da Estrela (Spain), May 2012
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Event: fieldtrip for students of “Field work in Physical Geography”
Title: Field work in Cerdanya
Place and date: Cerdanya, 22-26 May 2023
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Event: meeting of the Catalan Arctic scientific community
Title: Seminar on “Workshop Investigadores/s catalanes/s a l’Àrtic”
Place and date: Barcelona, 12 December 2022
Institution: Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu
Event: open seminar
Title: Seminar on “The glacial and periglacial landscape of the Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu”
Place and date: Llavorsí, 18 October 2022
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Event: open seminar
Title: Seminar on mountain regions: study cases from the Pyrenees, Sarajevo and Iceland
Place and date: Barcelona, 26 April 2022
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Event: open seminar
Title: Workshop on mountain studies: from polar to mid-latitude mountain regions
Place and date: Barcelona, 21 January 2021
Institution: University of Lisbon
Event: international fieldtrip for students of “Quaternary environments” and “Field work in Physical Geography”
Title: Quaternary environments in Galiza southern coast, Xistral and Picos de Europa massifs (Spain)
Place and date: Galicia-Asturias (Spain), 17-20 April April 2017
Institution: European Geosciences Union
Event: scientific organization of a workshop during the EGU General Assembly 2017
Title: Workshop on “The future of permafrost in a climate changing world”
Place and date: Vienna (Austria), 24-4-2017
Institution: University of Lisbon
Event: international fieldtrip for students of “Quaternary environments” and “Field work in Physical Geography”
Title: Quaternary environments in Galiza coast, Xistral and Picos de Europa massifs (Spain)
Place and date: Galicia-Asturias (Spain), 31 March-3 April 2016
Institution: European Geosciences Union
Event: scientific organization of a workshop during the EGU General Assembly 2015
Title: Workshop on “The future of permafrost in a climate changing world”
Place and date: Vienna (Austria), 14-4-2015
Institution: Permafrost Young Researchers Network, APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists), PAGE21 (Changing Permafrost in the Arctic and its Global Effects in the 21st Century) and ADAPT (Arctic Development and Adaptation to Permafrost in Transition)
Event: scientific organization of a workshop before for young researchers before the 4th European Conference on Permafrost
Title: Permafrost Young Researchers Workshop
Place and date: Évora (Portugal), 17th June 2014
Institution: University of Lisbon and University of Oviedo
Event: international fieldtrip for students of “Quaternary environments”
Title: Quaternary environments in Sierra Nevada (Spain)
Place and date: Granada-Sierra Nevada (Spain), May 2014
Institution: European Geosciences Union
Event: scientific organization of a workshop during the EGU General Assembly 2014
Title: Workshop on “Methods and techniques to study permafrost in a climate change scenario”
Place and date: Vienna (Austria), 28-4-2014
Institution: International Permafrost Association, Iberian section
Event: Field trip within the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association
Title: Rock glaciers in the Puigmal massif (Eastern Pyrenees)
Place and date: Vall de Núria (Catalonia), 27-6-2013
Institution: University of Lisbon and University of Oviedo
Event: international fieldtrip for students of Geography co-organized by the University of Lisbon and University of Oviedo under the supervision of Dr Marc Oliva and Dr Jesús Ruiz-Fernández
Title: Quaternary environments in the Picos de Europa (Asturias, Spain)
Place and date: Asturias (Spain), from 26th to 28th April, 2013
Institution: Societat Catalana de Geografia, Institut d’Estudis Catalans
Event: Organization of a seminar
Title: L’Antàrtida i els geògrafs
Place and date: Barcelona, 22nd and 29th May, 2012
Institution: University of Lisbon
Event: international fieldtrip for students of “Quaternary environments”
Title: Quaternary environments in Serra da Estrela (Portugal)
Place and date: Serra da Estrela (Spain), May 2012