Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla, S; Toro, M.; Sanjurjo, J., Liu, E.J. & Vieira, G. (accepted). Holocene environmental changes in Byers Peninsula (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) based on a multplie dating-method approach to lake sediments. Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science. Goa (India), 13-17th July 2015.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz Fernández, J. (accepted). Permafrost degradation in a recently deglaciated environment in (Elephant Point, Livingston, Antarctica). Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science. Goa (India), 13-17th July 2015.
Correia, A.; Oliva, M. & Ruiz Fernández, J. (accepted). Permafrost distribution in marine terraces in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica) using electrical resistivity and geomorphological data. Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science. Goa (India), 13-17th July 2015.
Oliva, M.; Serrano, E.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; González Amuchastegui, M.J.; Nieuwendam, A.; Palacios, D.; Pellitero-Ondicol, R.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Ruiz Fernández, J.; Valcárcel, M. & Vieira, G. (accepted). The periglaciation of the Iberian Peninsula. Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz Fernández, J. (accepted). Paraglacial processes and permafrost degradation in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla, S; Toro, M.; Sanjurjo, J., Liu, E.J. & Vieira, G. (accepted). Holocene deglaciation of Byers Peninsula (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) using a combined dating-method approach to lake sediments. Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Fernandes, M; França, P.; Oliva, M. & Vieira, G. (accepted). Cartografia das áreas livres de gelo da península Byers (ilha Livingston, Antártida) através de imagens WorldView-2: metodologia e resultados exploratórios. Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Andrés, N.; Palacios, D.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; García-Ruiz, J.M.; López-Moreno, J.I.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Oliva, M. (accepted). Origen, cronología y evolución de los glaciares rocosos fósiles de las cordilleras ibéricas (Pirineos, Sistema Central y Sierra Nevada). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Fernandes, M; Lopes, L. & Oliva, M. (accepted). Cartografia e distribuição dos glaciares rochosos no Val d’Aran (Pirenéus Centrais). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Lopes, L. & Fernandes, M. & Oliva, M. (accepted). Análise espacial da localização dos glaciares rochosos na Val de Boí (Pirenéus Centrais). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Oliva, M. (accepted). Cartografía geomorfológica de detalle y morfodinámica periglaciar en cuencas lacustres de la Península Byers (Isla Livingston, Antártida Marítima). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, Oliva, M. & Gómez-Ortiz, A. (accepted). Régimen térmico del suelo en un transecto altitudinal de alta montaña mediterránea con topografía contrastada (macizo del Puigpedrós, Pirineo oriental). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla, S; Toro, M.; Sanjurjo, J. & Liu, E.J. (accepted). The deglaciation of the Byers peninsula based on a multiple dating-method approach in lake sediments of Byers Peninsula (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). XIX INQUA Congress. Nagoya (Japan), 27th July – 2nd August 2015.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández (accepted). Late Holocene permafrost degradation in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Antarctica). XIX INQUA Congress. Nagoya (Japan), 27th July – 2nd August 2015.
Nieuwendam, A.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Lopes, V.; Cruces, A. & Freitas, C. (accepted). Multi-proxy reconstruction of environmental changes in the Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Spain) since the Last Glaciation. XIX INQUA Congress. Nagoya (Japan), 27th July – 2nd August 2015.
Martín, J.; Nofre, J.; Oliva, M. & Palma, P. (accepted). Geomorphological risks, suburbanisation and neoliberalisation of the urban space in post-war Sarajevo. International Scientific Conference Geobalcanica, Skopje (Macedonia), 5-7th June 2015.
Sjöberg,Y.; Bouchard, F.; Cassidy, A.; Desphande, B.; Fritz, M.; Högström, E.; Lepage, J.; Morgenstern, A.; Nieuwendam, A.; Oliva, M.; Paquette, M.; Rudy, A.; Siewert, M. & Weege, S. (2015). The Future of Permafrost Research; Contributions of Early Career Researchers from the European Conference on Permafrost to ICARPIII. Proceedings of the Arctic Science Summit Week. Toyama (Japan), p. 283.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández (2015). The impacts of permafrost degradation in paraglacial environments in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Antarctica). European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-978.
Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Vieira, G. (2015). Active layer dynamics in three sites with contrasted topography in the Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-12057.
Pereira, P.; Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2015). Soil water repellency of Antarctic soils (Elephant Point). First results. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015- 15831.
González-Guzman, A.; Otero, X.L.; Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Pérez-Alberti, A. (2015). Biogeochemistry differences along lineal transect from glacier to Elephant Point coast in Antarctic environment. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-15161.
Correia, A.; Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2015). Permafrost distribution in marine terraces and glacier margins in the Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-12369.
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Cruces, A.; Lopes, V.; Freitas, C.; García-García, C.; Nieuwendam, A.; López-Sáez, J.A.; Gallinar, D. & Geraldes, M. (2015). Geomorphological and sedimentological evidences in the Western Massif of Picos de Europa since the Last Glaciation. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-11383.
Nieuwendam, A.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Lopes, V.; Cruces, A. & Freitas, C. (2015). Environmental evolution in Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Spain) since the last glacial cycle. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-11523.
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Vieira, G.; Oliva, M.; Gallinar, D. & García-García, C.; (2015). Monitoring of soil temperatures in an Atlantic high mountain environment: The Forcadona buried ice patch (Picos de Europa, NW Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-13163.
Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Oliva, M. & Gómez-Ortiz, A. (2015). Ground thermal conditions along a vertical transect with contrasted topography in a high mountain Mediterranean environment (Puigpedrós massif, eastern Pyrenees), from 2003 to 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-11791.
Oliva, M.; Serrano, E.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; González Amuchastegui, M.J.; Nieuwendam, A.; Palacios, D.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Ruiz Fernández, J. & Vieira, G. (2015). The periglaciation of the Iberian Peninsula. In: Díaz del Olmo, F. & Faust, D. Quaternary archives in the Iberian Peninsula and Western Mediterranean. CEIMAR, Sevilla (Spain), p. 43.
Paquette, M.; Bouchard, F.; Cassidy, A.; Desphande, B.: Fritz, M.; Högtröm, E.; Lepage, J.; Morgenstern, A.; Nieuwendam, A.; Oliva, M.; Rudy, A.C.A.; Siewert, M.; Sjöberg, Y. & Weege, S. (2014). The Future of Permafrost Research; Contributions of Early Career Researchers from the European Conference on Permafrost to ICARPIII, Artic Change 2014, December 8-12, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M.; Pla-Rabes, S. & Vieira, G. (2014). The Holocene deglaciation of the Byers Peninsula (Livingston, Antarctica) inferred from lake sediment records. IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Porto (Portugal), pp. 27.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández (2014). Present-day paraglacial processes in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Antarctica). IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Porto (Portugal), pp. 42.
Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Canário, J.; Bandeira, L.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Prates, G.; Fonseca, I.; Martin, J.; Nieuwendam, A. & Ferreira, A. (2014). 3D Antartida - Mapping and monitoring the ice-free areas of the Antarctic Peninsula region: from crowdfunding to data acquisition. IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Porto (Portugal), pp. 38.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2014). Paraglacial processes in a recently deglaciated Antarctic environment (Elephant Point, Livingston island). The Future of Glaciers. Obergurgl (Austria), pp. 29.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2014). Geoecological dynamics in an ice-free area in the Maritime Antarctica: a study case from Elephant Point (Livingston Island, South Shetland). Ecology of Glacier Forelands. Obergurgl (Austria), pp. 29.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M.; Pla-Rabes, S. & Vieira, G. (2014). The deglaciation of the Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica) reconstructed from lake sediment records. 2014 SCAR Open Science Conference. Auckland (New Zealand), pp. 673.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2014). Geomorphological processes in the ice-free area of Elephant Point (Livingston island, South Shetland). 2014 SCAR Open Science Conference. Auckland (New Zealand), pp. 256.
Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Canário, J.; Bandeira, L.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Prates, G.; Fonseca, I.; Martin, J.; Nieuwendam, A.; Ferreira, A.; Batista, V.; Lousada, M. & Branco, J. (2014). 3D Antartida - Mapping and monitoring the ice-free areas of the Antarctic Peninsula region: from crowdfunding to data acquisition. 2014 SCAR Open Science Conference. Auckland (New Zealand), pp. 927.
Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Oliva, M. (2014). Geo-ecological units in Elephant Point Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica). 2014 SCAR Open Science Conference. Auckland (New Zealand), pp. 571.
Morgenstern, A.; Abbott, B.W.; Belova, N.; Ekici, A.; Frolov, D.; Lepage, J.; Ma, Y.; Fritz, M.; Oliva, M.; Schneider, A.; Stanilovskaya, J. & Nieuwendam, A. (2014). The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN): Integrating priorities for permafrost research over the next generation. 4th European Conference on Permafrost. Évora (Portugal), pp. 203.
Nicholson, E.; Oliva, M.; Giralt, S.; Antoniades, D.; Granados, I.; Toro, M. & Pla-Rabes, S. (2014). Tephra stratigraphy of lake sediments from Byers Peninsula, Antarctica: insights from volcanology. 4th European Conference on Permafrost. Évora (Portugal), pp. 203.
Antoniades, D.; Oliva, M.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M. & Pla-Rabes, S. (2014). Holocene environmental evolution of Barton peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica) based on lacustrine records. 4th European Conference on Permafrost. Évora (Portugal), pp. 218.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M.; Pla-Rabes, S. & Vieira, G. (2014). Deglaciation process in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica) based on lake records. 4th European Conference on Permafrost. Évora (Portugal), pp. 202.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Palacios, D.; Tanarro, L. & Schulte, L. (2014). About the existence of permafrost conditions in the high lands of Sierra Nevada. 4th European Conference on Permafrost. Évora (Portugal), pp.167.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2014). The role of snow cover in ground thermal conditions in three sites with contrasted topography in Sierra Nevada (Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria), 27th April - 2nd May, 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-288.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M.; Pla-Rabes, S. & Vieira, G. (2014). Holocene deglaciation of Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica) inferred from lake records. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria), 27th April - 2nd May, 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-291.
Pereira, P.; Cerda, A.; Oliva, M.; Úbeda, X.; Mataix-Solera, J. & Jordan, A. (2014). Wet dry cycles effect on ash water repellency. A laboratory experiment. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria), 27th April - 2nd May, 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-961.
Ruiz Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; García, C.; López-Sáez, J.A. & Geraldes, M. (2014). Deglaciation and post-glacial environmental evolution in the Western Massif of Picos de Europa. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria), 27th April - 2nd May, 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-13847.
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Tanarro, L. & Schulte, L. (2014). Inexistence of permafrost at the top of Veleta peak (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria), 27th April - 2nd May, 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-6690.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M. & Pla-Rabes, S. (2014). Holocene deglaciation of Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica) inferred from lake records. THAW 2014 - THermokarst Aquatic ecosystems Workshop: Freshwater ecosystems in changing permafrost landscapes. Québec city (Canada), pp. 37.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S.; Toro, M. & Vieira, G.; (2013). Preliminary results on the Holocene deglaciation of Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica) inferred from lake records. VI Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Faro (Portugal), pp. 28.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Agrela, J.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S.; Toro, M. & Vieira, G.; (2013). The Holocene deglaciation of Barton Peninsula (King George, Antarctica) based on lacustrine records. IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Faro (Portugal), pp. 51.
Salvador-Franch, F.; Oliva, M.; Salvà-Catarineu, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2013). Ground temperature regime and periglacial dynamics in three different sites from the summit area in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain) from 2006 to 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geomorphology. International Association of Geomorphologists. Paris (France), pp. 1040.
Oliva, M.; Neves, M.; Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Cardoso, M.; Jorge, M. & Freitas, C. (2013). Late Holocene environmental and climatic conditions in Adventalen valley (Svalbard) based on sedimentological studies of ice-wedge polygon terrain. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geomorphology. International Association of Geomorphologists. Paris (France), pp. 343.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. & Vidal, J. (2013). The use of the Schmidt hammer as a complementary tool for cosmogenic dating in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geomorphology. International Association of Geomorphologists. Paris (France), pp. 301.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M.; Pla, S.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A.; Agrela, J.; Batista, V.; Correia, A.; Schaefer, C.; Simas, F.; Ramos, M.; De Pablo, M.; Galán, L.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Serrano, E. (2013). Evolución ambiental holocena de la Península Byers. Proyecto HOLOANTAR, primera campaña de campo. Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 24.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Vidal, J.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2013). El martillo de Schmidt como un instrumento de datación relativa. Aplicación preliminar a los arcos morrénicos del Corral del Veleta y Hoya del Mulhacén (Sierra Nevada). Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 51.
Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2013). Régimen térmico en un transecto altitudinal de alta montaña mediterránea (macizo del Puigpedrós, Pirineo oriental). Periodo 1995-1996 y 2003-2012. Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 45.
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Poblete, M.A.;García, C.& Geraldes, M. (2013). Evolución ambiental del Macizo Occidental de los Picos de Europa desde la Última Glaciación. Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 20.
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Sanjosé, J.J.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Palacios, D.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Oliva, M.; Tanarro, L. & Atkinson, A. (2013). El proceso de degradación de hielos glaciares relictos y permafrost en Sierra Nevada. El caso del glaciar rocoso del Corral del Veleta (Sierra Nevada, SE Península Ibérica). Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 29.
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2013). Ambientes morfogénicos fríos posteriores a la última glaciación en los paisajes de cumbres de Sierra Nevada. Estado del arte. Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 17.
Antoniades, D.; Oliva, M.; Giralt, S.; Agrela, J.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S.; Toro, M. & Vieira, G. (2013). La deglaciación holocena de la Península de Barton (Isla Rey Jorge, Antártida marítima). Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 18.
Oliva, M.; Neves, M.; Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Cardoso, M. & Freitas, C. (2013). Late Holocene development of ice-wedge polygon terrain in Adventalen valley (Svalbard) based on sedimentological evidences. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2013.Vienna (Austria), 7-12th April, 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-1102, 2013.
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A.; Agrela, J.; Batista, V.; Schaefer, C.; Simas, F.; Ramos, M.; De Pablo, M.; Toro, M.; Antoniades, D.; Galán, L.;Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla, S. & Serrano, E. (2013). The HOLOANTAR project: Holocene environmental change in the Maritime Antarctic. Interactions between permafrost and the lacustrine environment. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2013.Vienna (Austria), 7-12th April, 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-10707, 2013.
Salvador-Franch, F.; Oliva, M.; Salvà, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2013). Ground temperature regime and periglacial dynamics in three different sites from the summit area in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain) from 2006 to 2012. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2013. Vienna (Austria), 7-12th April, 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-9481.
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M. & García, C. (2013). The deglaciation in Picos de Europa (area of Enol Glacier) based on geomorphological and sedimentological studies. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2013. Vienna (Austria), 7-12th April, 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-12477-1.
Geraldes, M.; Freitas, C; Cruces, A.; Andrade, C.; Oliva, M.; Néto, C. & Carvalho, M. (2013). Pedological constraints controlling the occurrence of mire plant bioindicators from north Atlantic formerly frozen soils to present-day Mediterranean sandy wet habitats. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2013. Vienna (Austria), 7-12th April, 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-13273.
Oliva, M.; Neves, M.; Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Cardoso, M.; Jorge, M. & Freitas, C. (2012). Late Holocene development of ice-wedge polygon terrain in Adventalen valley (Svalbard). IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Livro de Resumos. Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 45.
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A.; Agrela, J.; Batista, V.; Schaefer, C.; Simas, F.; Ramos, M.; de Pablo, M.; Toro, M.; Antoniades, D.; Galán, L.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I. & Pla, S.(2012). Understanding present and past interactions between permafrost and climate in the Maritime Antarctica. The HOLOANTAR project. IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Livro de Resumos. Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 52.
Pina, P.; Vieira, G.; Barata, M.T.; Christiansen, H.H; Saraiva, J.; Bandeira, L.; Lousada, M.; Mora, C.; Ferreira, A.; Oliva, M.; Neves, M..; Cardoso, M.; Jorge, M.; Ferreira, A.; Trindade, A. & Machado, A. (2012). Two and a half years of activities and results of project ANAPOLIS. IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Livro de Resumos. Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 22.
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A.; Agrela, J.; Batista, V.; Schaefer, C.; Simas, F.; Ramos, M.; de Pablo, M.; Toro, M.; Antoniades, D.; Galán, L.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I. & Pla, S. (2012). The HOLOANTAR project: Holocene environmental change in the Maritime Antarctic. Holocene climate variability in a maritime permafrost environment (Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island) inferred from lacustrine records: the HOLOANTAR project. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Conference. Portland (USA), pp. 30.
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A.; Agrela, J.; Batista, V.; Schaefer, C.; Simas, F.; Ramos, M.; de Pablo, M.; Toro, M.; Antoniades, D.; Galán, L.;Giralt, S.; Granados, I. & Pla, S. (2012). The HOLOANTAR project: Holocene environmental change in the Maritime Antarctic. Interactions between permafrost and the lacustrine environment. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Permafrost (TICOP). Salekhard, Siberia (Russia), Volume 4/2, pp. 424-425.
Oliva, M.; Neves, M.; Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Cardoso, M.; Jorge, M. & Freitas, C. (2012). Sedimentological characteristics of ice-wedge polygon terrain in Adventalen valley (Svalbard). Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Permafrost (TICOP). Salekhard, Siberia (Russia), Volume 4/2, pp. 417-418.
Vieira, G.; Agrela, J.; Ferreira, A.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Trindade, A.; Ramos, M.; de Pablo, M.A.; Molina, A.; Correia, A. & Rocha, J.P. (2012). The lower boundary of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctic). Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Permafrost (TICOP). Salekhard, Siberia (Russia), Volume 4/2, pp. 625.
Oliva, M.; Trindade, A.; Vieira, G. & Ramos, M. (2011). The influence of the regional atmospheric circulation on the incoming summer short-wave radiation in Deception and Livingston Islands (Antarctica). Consequences for permafrost distribution. VIII Simposio de Estudios Polares. Mallorca, 7-9 September, 2011, PII-53.
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2011). Palaeoecological evolution in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain) over the last millennium inferred from solifluction landforms, lake sediments and documentary sources. XVIII Congress of the INQUA, Quaternary Sciences - the view from the mountains. Bern (Switzerland), 20-27 July, 2011, abstract 449.
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A. & Jorge, M. (2011). Preliminary results of the Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal). XVIII Congress of the INQUA, Quaternary Sciences - the view from the mountains. Bern (Switzerland), 20-27 July, 2011, abstract 450.
Oliva, M.; Trindade, A.; Vieira, G. & Ramos, M. (2011). Spatial patterns of incoming summer short-wave radiation in Deception and Livingston Islands (Antarctica).Controls from atmospheric circulation and consequences for permafrost distribution. XI International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences. Edinburgh (Scotland), 10-16 July, 2011, abstract PO8.20.
Pina, P.; Vieira, G.; Christiansen, H.H; Barata, M.T.; Saraiva, J.; Bandeira, L.; Lira, C.; Jorge, M.; Mora, C.; Ferreira, A.; Oliva, M.; Trindade, A; Poelking, E.; Machado, A.; Neves, M. & Lousada, M. (2011). First field campaign on Adventdalen (Svalbard) to gather polygonal pattern features for comparison with Martian analogues. III Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Livro de Resumos. Coimbra (Portugal), 12 April, 2011, pp. 13.
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2011). Late Holocene palaoenvironmental history from sedimentary records and historical sources in a high mountain environment from the Mediterranean region (Sierra Nevada, Southern Spain). Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting 2011. Seattle (Washington, USA), 12-16 April, 2011.
Pina, P.; Vieira, G.; Christiansen, H.H; Barata, M.T.; Saraiva, J.; Bandeira, L.; Lira, C.; Jorge, M.; Mora, C.; Ferreira, A.; Oliva, M.; Trindade, A; Poelking, E.; Machado, A.; Neves, M. & Lousada, M. (2011). Characterizing polygonal terrains in-situ on Adventdalen (Svalbard) for comparison with Martian analogues: The 2010 field campaign. 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science XLII. The Woodlands (Texas, USA), 7-11 March, 2011, abstract 1387.
Pina, P.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Barata, M.T.; Christiansen, H.H; Bandeira, L.; Ferreira, A.; Jorge, M.; Lira, C.; Machado, A.; Neves, M.; Trindade, A; Oliva, M.; Poelking, E. & Saraiva, J. (2011). The Project ANAPOLIS: analysis of polygonal terrains on Mars based on Earth analogues. Arctic Science Summit Week, Seoul (South Korea), 27 March-1 April, 2011.
Oliva, M. (2010). Late Holocene evolution from Sierra Nevada (South Spain) from solifluction landforms, lake sediments and historical sources. Abstract book of the Polar and Sedimentary Processes and Archives Workshop. Loughborough (United Kingdom), 18-19 November, 2010, p. 22.
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2010). Late Holocene reconstruction of landscape changes in Sierra Nevada from sedimentary records and documentary sources. Proceedings of the Global Change and the World’s Mountains Conference (CD-Rom). Perth (Scotland), 26-30 September, 2010.
Oliva, M. (2010). Long-term solifluction response to increasingly arid conditions in Sierra Nevada, Southern Spain. Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Permafrost. Longyearbyen (Norway), 13-17 June, 2010, pp. 33.
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2010). Holocene solifluction processes in a Mediterranean mountain environment (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Permafrost. Longyearbyen (Norway), 13-17 June, 2010, pp. 72.
Pina, P.; Saraiva, J.; Bandeira, L.; Lira, C.; Benavente, N.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Jorge, M.; Ferreira, A. & Christiansen, H. (2010). The project ANAPOLIS: analysis of polygonal terrains on Mars based on Earth analogues. Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Permafrost. Longyearbyen (Norway), 13-17 June, 2010, pp. 59.
Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Batista, V.; Ferreira, A.; Jorge, M.; Rocha, M.J.; Trindade, A.; Correia, A.; Maillol, J.M.; Amaral, P.; Santos, F.; Bernardo, I.; Soares, A.; Ramos, M.; de Pablo, M.A.; Bockheim, J.; Caselli, A.; Goyanes, G.; Pimpirev, C. & Kenderova, R. (2010). PERMANTAR-2. A new project for monitoring permafrost in the Antarctic Peninsula Region. Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Permafrost. Longyearbyen (Norway), 13-17June, 2010, pp. 141.
Pina, P., Vieira, G.; Christiansen, H.H; Barata, M.T.; Saraiva, J.; Bandeira, L.; Lira, C.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Jorge, M.; Ferreira, A. & Machado, A. (2010). ANAPOLIS - Analysis of polygonal terrains on Mars based on Earth analogues from Svalbard (78ºN). 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares. Livro de Resumos, 26 April, 2010, pp. 19.
Oliva, M. (2010). Climate variability and periglacial processes during the Mid-Late Holocene in Sierra Nevada (Southern Iberian Peninsula). European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 2-7 May, 2010, Vol. 12, EGU2010-2561.
Oliva, M. & Pereira, P. (2010). Winter precipitation patterns in a mountain area of Sierra Nevada (Southern Iberian Peninsula) and their relation with large scale circulation. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 2-7 May, 2010, Vol. 12, EGU2010-588.
Oliva, M.; Schulte, L. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2009). Holocene slope instability processes inferred from solifluction lobes and lake sediments in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentologists. Alghero (Italy), 20-23 September, 2009, pp. 296.
Schulte, L.; Peña, J. C.; Carvalho, F.; Baró, M.; Julià, R.; Burjachs, F.; Pernas, J.; Oliva, M. & Veit, H. (2009). Late Holocene fan delta aggradation in high mountain environments: a high resolution flood history from the Jungfrau massif, Swiss Alps. Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS). Alghero (Italy), 20-23 September, 2009, pp. 345.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A. & Schulte, L. (2009). Environmental changes in Sierra Nevada during the last 6 ky BP inferred from solifluction lobes and lake sediments. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 19-24 April, 2009, Vol. 11, EGU2009-4482.
Oliva, M.; Schulte, L. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2009). Solifluction activity in the present periglacial belt of Sierra Nevada during the last 8 ky BP. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 19-24 April, 2009, Vol. 11, EGU2009-4497.
Schulte, L.; Peña, J.C.; Burjachs, F.; Pernas, J.; Carvalho, F.; Schmidt, T.; Baró, M.; Oliva, M.; Barriendos, M. & Veit, H. (2009). A 3600-year fan delta record of alpine floods: potentialities of flood hazard assessment. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2009,Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 19-24 April, 2009, Vol. 11, EGU2009-7611.
Oliva, M. & Schulte, L. (2008). Solifluction phases during the Late Holocene in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Extended abstracts of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost (NICOP). Fairbanks, Alaska (United States), 27 June-2 July, 2008, pp. 233-234.
Oliva, M.; Schulte, L. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2008). Solifluction phases in Sierra Nevada during the Late Holocene. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2008, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 13-18 April, 2008, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-03447.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A. & Schulte, L. (2008). Spatial and morphometrical approach to solifluction lobes in Sierra Nevada. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2008, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 13-18 April, 2008, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-03486.
Schulte, L.; Burjachs, F.; Baró, M.; Roten, L.; Julià, R.; Veit, H.; Carvalho, F. & Oliva, M. (2008). Fan delta evolution and environmental changes in the Bernese Alps during Late Holocene: natural and anthropogenic contributions. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2008, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 13-18 April, 2008, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-03522.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla, S; Toro, M.; Sanjurjo, J., Liu, E.J. & Vieira, G. (accepted). Holocene environmental changes in Byers Peninsula (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) based on a multplie dating-method approach to lake sediments. Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science. Goa (India), 13-17th July 2015.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz Fernández, J. (accepted). Permafrost degradation in a recently deglaciated environment in (Elephant Point, Livingston, Antarctica). Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science. Goa (India), 13-17th July 2015.
Correia, A.; Oliva, M. & Ruiz Fernández, J. (accepted). Permafrost distribution in marine terraces in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica) using electrical resistivity and geomorphological data. Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science. Goa (India), 13-17th July 2015.
Oliva, M.; Serrano, E.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; González Amuchastegui, M.J.; Nieuwendam, A.; Palacios, D.; Pellitero-Ondicol, R.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Ruiz Fernández, J.; Valcárcel, M. & Vieira, G. (accepted). The periglaciation of the Iberian Peninsula. Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz Fernández, J. (accepted). Paraglacial processes and permafrost degradation in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla, S; Toro, M.; Sanjurjo, J., Liu, E.J. & Vieira, G. (accepted). Holocene deglaciation of Byers Peninsula (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) using a combined dating-method approach to lake sediments. Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Fernandes, M; França, P.; Oliva, M. & Vieira, G. (accepted). Cartografia das áreas livres de gelo da península Byers (ilha Livingston, Antártida) através de imagens WorldView-2: metodologia e resultados exploratórios. Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Andrés, N.; Palacios, D.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; García-Ruiz, J.M.; López-Moreno, J.I.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Oliva, M. (accepted). Origen, cronología y evolución de los glaciares rocosos fósiles de las cordilleras ibéricas (Pirineos, Sistema Central y Sierra Nevada). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Fernandes, M; Lopes, L. & Oliva, M. (accepted). Cartografia e distribuição dos glaciares rochosos no Val d’Aran (Pirenéus Centrais). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Lopes, L. & Fernandes, M. & Oliva, M. (accepted). Análise espacial da localização dos glaciares rochosos na Val de Boí (Pirenéus Centrais). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Oliva, M. (accepted). Cartografía geomorfológica de detalle y morfodinámica periglaciar en cuencas lacustres de la Península Byers (Isla Livingston, Antártida Marítima). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, Oliva, M. & Gómez-Ortiz, A. (accepted). Régimen térmico del suelo en un transecto altitudinal de alta montaña mediterránea con topografía contrastada (macizo del Puigpedrós, Pirineo oriental). Proceedings of the V Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association. Valladolid (Spain), 24-26th June 2015.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla, S; Toro, M.; Sanjurjo, J. & Liu, E.J. (accepted). The deglaciation of the Byers peninsula based on a multiple dating-method approach in lake sediments of Byers Peninsula (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). XIX INQUA Congress. Nagoya (Japan), 27th July – 2nd August 2015.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández (accepted). Late Holocene permafrost degradation in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Antarctica). XIX INQUA Congress. Nagoya (Japan), 27th July – 2nd August 2015.
Nieuwendam, A.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Lopes, V.; Cruces, A. & Freitas, C. (accepted). Multi-proxy reconstruction of environmental changes in the Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Spain) since the Last Glaciation. XIX INQUA Congress. Nagoya (Japan), 27th July – 2nd August 2015.
Martín, J.; Nofre, J.; Oliva, M. & Palma, P. (accepted). Geomorphological risks, suburbanisation and neoliberalisation of the urban space in post-war Sarajevo. International Scientific Conference Geobalcanica, Skopje (Macedonia), 5-7th June 2015.
Sjöberg,Y.; Bouchard, F.; Cassidy, A.; Desphande, B.; Fritz, M.; Högström, E.; Lepage, J.; Morgenstern, A.; Nieuwendam, A.; Oliva, M.; Paquette, M.; Rudy, A.; Siewert, M. & Weege, S. (2015). The Future of Permafrost Research; Contributions of Early Career Researchers from the European Conference on Permafrost to ICARPIII. Proceedings of the Arctic Science Summit Week. Toyama (Japan), p. 283.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández (2015). The impacts of permafrost degradation in paraglacial environments in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Antarctica). European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-978.
Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Vieira, G. (2015). Active layer dynamics in three sites with contrasted topography in the Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-12057.
Pereira, P.; Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2015). Soil water repellency of Antarctic soils (Elephant Point). First results. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015- 15831.
González-Guzman, A.; Otero, X.L.; Oliva, M.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Pérez-Alberti, A. (2015). Biogeochemistry differences along lineal transect from glacier to Elephant Point coast in Antarctic environment. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-15161.
Correia, A.; Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2015). Permafrost distribution in marine terraces and glacier margins in the Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-12369.
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Cruces, A.; Lopes, V.; Freitas, C.; García-García, C.; Nieuwendam, A.; López-Sáez, J.A.; Gallinar, D. & Geraldes, M. (2015). Geomorphological and sedimentological evidences in the Western Massif of Picos de Europa since the Last Glaciation. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-11383.
Nieuwendam, A.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Lopes, V.; Cruces, A. & Freitas, C. (2015). Environmental evolution in Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Spain) since the last glacial cycle. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-11523.
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Vieira, G.; Oliva, M.; Gallinar, D. & García-García, C.; (2015). Monitoring of soil temperatures in an Atlantic high mountain environment: The Forcadona buried ice patch (Picos de Europa, NW Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-13163.
Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Oliva, M. & Gómez-Ortiz, A. (2015). Ground thermal conditions along a vertical transect with contrasted topography in a high mountain Mediterranean environment (Puigpedrós massif, eastern Pyrenees), from 2003 to 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria), 12-17th April, 2015, Vol. 17, EGU2015-11791.
Oliva, M.; Serrano, E.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; González Amuchastegui, M.J.; Nieuwendam, A.; Palacios, D.; Pérez-Alberti, A.; Ruiz Fernández, J. & Vieira, G. (2015). The periglaciation of the Iberian Peninsula. In: Díaz del Olmo, F. & Faust, D. Quaternary archives in the Iberian Peninsula and Western Mediterranean. CEIMAR, Sevilla (Spain), p. 43.
Paquette, M.; Bouchard, F.; Cassidy, A.; Desphande, B.: Fritz, M.; Högtröm, E.; Lepage, J.; Morgenstern, A.; Nieuwendam, A.; Oliva, M.; Rudy, A.C.A.; Siewert, M.; Sjöberg, Y. & Weege, S. (2014). The Future of Permafrost Research; Contributions of Early Career Researchers from the European Conference on Permafrost to ICARPIII, Artic Change 2014, December 8-12, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M.; Pla-Rabes, S. & Vieira, G. (2014). The Holocene deglaciation of the Byers Peninsula (Livingston, Antarctica) inferred from lake sediment records. IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Porto (Portugal), pp. 27.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández (2014). Present-day paraglacial processes in Elephant Point (Livingston Island, Antarctica). IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Porto (Portugal), pp. 42.
Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Canário, J.; Bandeira, L.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Prates, G.; Fonseca, I.; Martin, J.; Nieuwendam, A. & Ferreira, A. (2014). 3D Antartida - Mapping and monitoring the ice-free areas of the Antarctic Peninsula region: from crowdfunding to data acquisition. IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Porto (Portugal), pp. 38.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2014). Paraglacial processes in a recently deglaciated Antarctic environment (Elephant Point, Livingston island). The Future of Glaciers. Obergurgl (Austria), pp. 29.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2014). Geoecological dynamics in an ice-free area in the Maritime Antarctica: a study case from Elephant Point (Livingston Island, South Shetland). Ecology of Glacier Forelands. Obergurgl (Austria), pp. 29.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M.; Pla-Rabes, S. & Vieira, G. (2014). The deglaciation of the Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica) reconstructed from lake sediment records. 2014 SCAR Open Science Conference. Auckland (New Zealand), pp. 673.
Oliva, M. & Ruiz-Fernández, J. (2014). Geomorphological processes in the ice-free area of Elephant Point (Livingston island, South Shetland). 2014 SCAR Open Science Conference. Auckland (New Zealand), pp. 256.
Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Canário, J.; Bandeira, L.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Prates, G.; Fonseca, I.; Martin, J.; Nieuwendam, A.; Ferreira, A.; Batista, V.; Lousada, M. & Branco, J. (2014). 3D Antartida - Mapping and monitoring the ice-free areas of the Antarctic Peninsula region: from crowdfunding to data acquisition. 2014 SCAR Open Science Conference. Auckland (New Zealand), pp. 927.
Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Oliva, M. (2014). Geo-ecological units in Elephant Point Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica). 2014 SCAR Open Science Conference. Auckland (New Zealand), pp. 571.
Morgenstern, A.; Abbott, B.W.; Belova, N.; Ekici, A.; Frolov, D.; Lepage, J.; Ma, Y.; Fritz, M.; Oliva, M.; Schneider, A.; Stanilovskaya, J. & Nieuwendam, A. (2014). The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN): Integrating priorities for permafrost research over the next generation. 4th European Conference on Permafrost. Évora (Portugal), pp. 203.
Nicholson, E.; Oliva, M.; Giralt, S.; Antoniades, D.; Granados, I.; Toro, M. & Pla-Rabes, S. (2014). Tephra stratigraphy of lake sediments from Byers Peninsula, Antarctica: insights from volcanology. 4th European Conference on Permafrost. Évora (Portugal), pp. 203.
Antoniades, D.; Oliva, M.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M. & Pla-Rabes, S. (2014). Holocene environmental evolution of Barton peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica) based on lacustrine records. 4th European Conference on Permafrost. Évora (Portugal), pp. 218.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M.; Pla-Rabes, S. & Vieira, G. (2014). Deglaciation process in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica) based on lake records. 4th European Conference on Permafrost. Évora (Portugal), pp. 202.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Palacios, D.; Tanarro, L. & Schulte, L. (2014). About the existence of permafrost conditions in the high lands of Sierra Nevada. 4th European Conference on Permafrost. Évora (Portugal), pp.167.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2014). The role of snow cover in ground thermal conditions in three sites with contrasted topography in Sierra Nevada (Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria), 27th April - 2nd May, 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-288.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M.; Pla-Rabes, S. & Vieira, G. (2014). Holocene deglaciation of Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica) inferred from lake records. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria), 27th April - 2nd May, 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-291.
Pereira, P.; Cerda, A.; Oliva, M.; Úbeda, X.; Mataix-Solera, J. & Jordan, A. (2014). Wet dry cycles effect on ash water repellency. A laboratory experiment. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria), 27th April - 2nd May, 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-961.
Ruiz Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; García, C.; López-Sáez, J.A. & Geraldes, M. (2014). Deglaciation and post-glacial environmental evolution in the Western Massif of Picos de Europa. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria), 27th April - 2nd May, 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-13847.
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Tanarro, L. & Schulte, L. (2014). Inexistence of permafrost at the top of Veleta peak (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria), 27th April - 2nd May, 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-6690.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M. & Pla-Rabes, S. (2014). Holocene deglaciation of Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica) inferred from lake records. THAW 2014 - THermokarst Aquatic ecosystems Workshop: Freshwater ecosystems in changing permafrost landscapes. Québec city (Canada), pp. 37.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S.; Toro, M. & Vieira, G.; (2013). Preliminary results on the Holocene deglaciation of Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica) inferred from lake records. VI Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Faro (Portugal), pp. 28.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Agrela, J.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S.; Toro, M. & Vieira, G.; (2013). The Holocene deglaciation of Barton Peninsula (King George, Antarctica) based on lacustrine records. IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Faro (Portugal), pp. 51.
Salvador-Franch, F.; Oliva, M.; Salvà-Catarineu, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2013). Ground temperature regime and periglacial dynamics in three different sites from the summit area in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain) from 2006 to 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geomorphology. International Association of Geomorphologists. Paris (France), pp. 1040.
Oliva, M.; Neves, M.; Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Cardoso, M.; Jorge, M. & Freitas, C. (2013). Late Holocene environmental and climatic conditions in Adventalen valley (Svalbard) based on sedimentological studies of ice-wedge polygon terrain. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geomorphology. International Association of Geomorphologists. Paris (France), pp. 343.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. & Vidal, J. (2013). The use of the Schmidt hammer as a complementary tool for cosmogenic dating in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geomorphology. International Association of Geomorphologists. Paris (France), pp. 301.
Oliva, M.; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Toro, M.; Pla, S.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A.; Agrela, J.; Batista, V.; Correia, A.; Schaefer, C.; Simas, F.; Ramos, M.; De Pablo, M.; Galán, L.; Ruiz-Fernández, J. & Serrano, E. (2013). Evolución ambiental holocena de la Península Byers. Proyecto HOLOANTAR, primera campaña de campo. Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 24.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A.; Vidal, J.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2013). El martillo de Schmidt como un instrumento de datación relativa. Aplicación preliminar a los arcos morrénicos del Corral del Veleta y Hoya del Mulhacén (Sierra Nevada). Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 51.
Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2013). Régimen térmico en un transecto altitudinal de alta montaña mediterránea (macizo del Puigpedrós, Pirineo oriental). Periodo 1995-1996 y 2003-2012. Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 45.
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M.; Poblete, M.A.;García, C.& Geraldes, M. (2013). Evolución ambiental del Macizo Occidental de los Picos de Europa desde la Última Glaciación. Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 20.
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Sanjosé, J.J.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Palacios, D.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Oliva, M.; Tanarro, L. & Atkinson, A. (2013). El proceso de degradación de hielos glaciares relictos y permafrost en Sierra Nevada. El caso del glaciar rocoso del Corral del Veleta (Sierra Nevada, SE Península Ibérica). Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 29.
Gómez Ortiz, A.; Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Salvador-Franch, F. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2013). Ambientes morfogénicos fríos posteriores a la última glaciación en los paisajes de cumbres de Sierra Nevada. Estado del arte. Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 17.
Antoniades, D.; Oliva, M.; Giralt, S.; Agrela, J.; Granados, I.; Pla-Rabes, S.; Toro, M. & Vieira, G. (2013). La deglaciación holocena de la Península de Barton (Isla Rey Jorge, Antártida marítima). Proceedings of the IV Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, pp. 18.
Oliva, M.; Neves, M.; Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Cardoso, M. & Freitas, C. (2013). Late Holocene development of ice-wedge polygon terrain in Adventalen valley (Svalbard) based on sedimentological evidences. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2013.Vienna (Austria), 7-12th April, 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-1102, 2013.
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A.; Agrela, J.; Batista, V.; Schaefer, C.; Simas, F.; Ramos, M.; De Pablo, M.; Toro, M.; Antoniades, D.; Galán, L.;Giralt, S.; Granados, I.; Pla, S. & Serrano, E. (2013). The HOLOANTAR project: Holocene environmental change in the Maritime Antarctic. Interactions between permafrost and the lacustrine environment. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2013.Vienna (Austria), 7-12th April, 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-10707, 2013.
Salvador-Franch, F.; Oliva, M.; Salvà, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2013). Ground temperature regime and periglacial dynamics in three different sites from the summit area in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain) from 2006 to 2012. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2013. Vienna (Austria), 7-12th April, 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-9481.
Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Oliva, M. & García, C. (2013). The deglaciation in Picos de Europa (area of Enol Glacier) based on geomorphological and sedimentological studies. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2013. Vienna (Austria), 7-12th April, 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-12477-1.
Geraldes, M.; Freitas, C; Cruces, A.; Andrade, C.; Oliva, M.; Néto, C. & Carvalho, M. (2013). Pedological constraints controlling the occurrence of mire plant bioindicators from north Atlantic formerly frozen soils to present-day Mediterranean sandy wet habitats. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2013. Vienna (Austria), 7-12th April, 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-13273.
Oliva, M.; Neves, M.; Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Cardoso, M.; Jorge, M. & Freitas, C. (2012). Late Holocene development of ice-wedge polygon terrain in Adventalen valley (Svalbard). IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Livro de Resumos. Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 45.
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A.; Agrela, J.; Batista, V.; Schaefer, C.; Simas, F.; Ramos, M.; de Pablo, M.; Toro, M.; Antoniades, D.; Galán, L.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I. & Pla, S.(2012). Understanding present and past interactions between permafrost and climate in the Maritime Antarctica. The HOLOANTAR project. IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Livro de Resumos. Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 52.
Pina, P.; Vieira, G.; Barata, M.T.; Christiansen, H.H; Saraiva, J.; Bandeira, L.; Lousada, M.; Mora, C.; Ferreira, A.; Oliva, M.; Neves, M..; Cardoso, M.; Jorge, M.; Ferreira, A.; Trindade, A. & Machado, A. (2012). Two and a half years of activities and results of project ANAPOLIS. IV Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Livro de Resumos. Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 22.
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A.; Agrela, J.; Batista, V.; Schaefer, C.; Simas, F.; Ramos, M.; de Pablo, M.; Toro, M.; Antoniades, D.; Galán, L.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I. & Pla, S. (2012). The HOLOANTAR project: Holocene environmental change in the Maritime Antarctic. Holocene climate variability in a maritime permafrost environment (Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island) inferred from lacustrine records: the HOLOANTAR project. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Conference. Portland (USA), pp. 30.
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A.; Agrela, J.; Batista, V.; Schaefer, C.; Simas, F.; Ramos, M.; de Pablo, M.; Toro, M.; Antoniades, D.; Galán, L.;Giralt, S.; Granados, I. & Pla, S. (2012). The HOLOANTAR project: Holocene environmental change in the Maritime Antarctic. Interactions between permafrost and the lacustrine environment. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Permafrost (TICOP). Salekhard, Siberia (Russia), Volume 4/2, pp. 424-425.
Oliva, M.; Neves, M.; Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Cardoso, M.; Jorge, M. & Freitas, C. (2012). Sedimentological characteristics of ice-wedge polygon terrain in Adventalen valley (Svalbard). Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Permafrost (TICOP). Salekhard, Siberia (Russia), Volume 4/2, pp. 417-418.
Vieira, G.; Agrela, J.; Ferreira, A.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Trindade, A.; Ramos, M.; de Pablo, M.A.; Molina, A.; Correia, A. & Rocha, J.P. (2012). The lower boundary of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctic). Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Permafrost (TICOP). Salekhard, Siberia (Russia), Volume 4/2, pp. 625.
Oliva, M.; Trindade, A.; Vieira, G. & Ramos, M. (2011). The influence of the regional atmospheric circulation on the incoming summer short-wave radiation in Deception and Livingston Islands (Antarctica). Consequences for permafrost distribution. VIII Simposio de Estudios Polares. Mallorca, 7-9 September, 2011, PII-53.
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2011). Palaeoecological evolution in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain) over the last millennium inferred from solifluction landforms, lake sediments and documentary sources. XVIII Congress of the INQUA, Quaternary Sciences - the view from the mountains. Bern (Switzerland), 20-27 July, 2011, abstract 449.
Oliva, M.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A. & Jorge, M. (2011). Preliminary results of the Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal). XVIII Congress of the INQUA, Quaternary Sciences - the view from the mountains. Bern (Switzerland), 20-27 July, 2011, abstract 450.
Oliva, M.; Trindade, A.; Vieira, G. & Ramos, M. (2011). Spatial patterns of incoming summer short-wave radiation in Deception and Livingston Islands (Antarctica).Controls from atmospheric circulation and consequences for permafrost distribution. XI International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences. Edinburgh (Scotland), 10-16 July, 2011, abstract PO8.20.
Pina, P.; Vieira, G.; Christiansen, H.H; Barata, M.T.; Saraiva, J.; Bandeira, L.; Lira, C.; Jorge, M.; Mora, C.; Ferreira, A.; Oliva, M.; Trindade, A; Poelking, E.; Machado, A.; Neves, M. & Lousada, M. (2011). First field campaign on Adventdalen (Svalbard) to gather polygonal pattern features for comparison with Martian analogues. III Conferência Portuguesa das Ciências Polares. Livro de Resumos. Coimbra (Portugal), 12 April, 2011, pp. 13.
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2011). Late Holocene palaoenvironmental history from sedimentary records and historical sources in a high mountain environment from the Mediterranean region (Sierra Nevada, Southern Spain). Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting 2011. Seattle (Washington, USA), 12-16 April, 2011.
Pina, P.; Vieira, G.; Christiansen, H.H; Barata, M.T.; Saraiva, J.; Bandeira, L.; Lira, C.; Jorge, M.; Mora, C.; Ferreira, A.; Oliva, M.; Trindade, A; Poelking, E.; Machado, A.; Neves, M. & Lousada, M. (2011). Characterizing polygonal terrains in-situ on Adventdalen (Svalbard) for comparison with Martian analogues: The 2010 field campaign. 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science XLII. The Woodlands (Texas, USA), 7-11 March, 2011, abstract 1387.
Pina, P.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Barata, M.T.; Christiansen, H.H; Bandeira, L.; Ferreira, A.; Jorge, M.; Lira, C.; Machado, A.; Neves, M.; Trindade, A; Oliva, M.; Poelking, E. & Saraiva, J. (2011). The Project ANAPOLIS: analysis of polygonal terrains on Mars based on Earth analogues. Arctic Science Summit Week, Seoul (South Korea), 27 March-1 April, 2011.
Oliva, M. (2010). Late Holocene evolution from Sierra Nevada (South Spain) from solifluction landforms, lake sediments and historical sources. Abstract book of the Polar and Sedimentary Processes and Archives Workshop. Loughborough (United Kingdom), 18-19 November, 2010, p. 22.
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2010). Late Holocene reconstruction of landscape changes in Sierra Nevada from sedimentary records and documentary sources. Proceedings of the Global Change and the World’s Mountains Conference (CD-Rom). Perth (Scotland), 26-30 September, 2010.
Oliva, M. (2010). Long-term solifluction response to increasingly arid conditions in Sierra Nevada, Southern Spain. Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Permafrost. Longyearbyen (Norway), 13-17 June, 2010, pp. 33.
Oliva, M. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2010). Holocene solifluction processes in a Mediterranean mountain environment (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Permafrost. Longyearbyen (Norway), 13-17 June, 2010, pp. 72.
Pina, P.; Saraiva, J.; Bandeira, L.; Lira, C.; Benavente, N.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Jorge, M.; Ferreira, A. & Christiansen, H. (2010). The project ANAPOLIS: analysis of polygonal terrains on Mars based on Earth analogues. Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Permafrost. Longyearbyen (Norway), 13-17 June, 2010, pp. 59.
Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Batista, V.; Ferreira, A.; Jorge, M.; Rocha, M.J.; Trindade, A.; Correia, A.; Maillol, J.M.; Amaral, P.; Santos, F.; Bernardo, I.; Soares, A.; Ramos, M.; de Pablo, M.A.; Bockheim, J.; Caselli, A.; Goyanes, G.; Pimpirev, C. & Kenderova, R. (2010). PERMANTAR-2. A new project for monitoring permafrost in the Antarctic Peninsula Region. Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Permafrost. Longyearbyen (Norway), 13-17June, 2010, pp. 141.
Pina, P., Vieira, G.; Christiansen, H.H; Barata, M.T.; Saraiva, J.; Bandeira, L.; Lira, C.; Mora, C.; Neves, M.; Oliva, M.; Jorge, M.; Ferreira, A. & Machado, A. (2010). ANAPOLIS - Analysis of polygonal terrains on Mars based on Earth analogues from Svalbard (78ºN). 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares. Livro de Resumos, 26 April, 2010, pp. 19.
Oliva, M. (2010). Climate variability and periglacial processes during the Mid-Late Holocene in Sierra Nevada (Southern Iberian Peninsula). European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 2-7 May, 2010, Vol. 12, EGU2010-2561.
Oliva, M. & Pereira, P. (2010). Winter precipitation patterns in a mountain area of Sierra Nevada (Southern Iberian Peninsula) and their relation with large scale circulation. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 2-7 May, 2010, Vol. 12, EGU2010-588.
Oliva, M.; Schulte, L. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2009). Holocene slope instability processes inferred from solifluction lobes and lake sediments in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentologists. Alghero (Italy), 20-23 September, 2009, pp. 296.
Schulte, L.; Peña, J. C.; Carvalho, F.; Baró, M.; Julià, R.; Burjachs, F.; Pernas, J.; Oliva, M. & Veit, H. (2009). Late Holocene fan delta aggradation in high mountain environments: a high resolution flood history from the Jungfrau massif, Swiss Alps. Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS). Alghero (Italy), 20-23 September, 2009, pp. 345.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A. & Schulte, L. (2009). Environmental changes in Sierra Nevada during the last 6 ky BP inferred from solifluction lobes and lake sediments. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 19-24 April, 2009, Vol. 11, EGU2009-4482.
Oliva, M.; Schulte, L. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2009). Solifluction activity in the present periglacial belt of Sierra Nevada during the last 8 ky BP. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 19-24 April, 2009, Vol. 11, EGU2009-4497.
Schulte, L.; Peña, J.C.; Burjachs, F.; Pernas, J.; Carvalho, F.; Schmidt, T.; Baró, M.; Oliva, M.; Barriendos, M. & Veit, H. (2009). A 3600-year fan delta record of alpine floods: potentialities of flood hazard assessment. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2009,Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 19-24 April, 2009, Vol. 11, EGU2009-7611.
Oliva, M. & Schulte, L. (2008). Solifluction phases during the Late Holocene in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Extended abstracts of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost (NICOP). Fairbanks, Alaska (United States), 27 June-2 July, 2008, pp. 233-234.
Oliva, M.; Schulte, L. & Gómez Ortiz, A. (2008). Solifluction phases in Sierra Nevada during the Late Holocene. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2008, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 13-18 April, 2008, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-03447.
Oliva, M.; Gómez Ortiz, A. & Schulte, L. (2008). Spatial and morphometrical approach to solifluction lobes in Sierra Nevada. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2008, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 13-18 April, 2008, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-03486.
Schulte, L.; Burjachs, F.; Baró, M.; Roten, L.; Julià, R.; Veit, H.; Carvalho, F. & Oliva, M. (2008). Fan delta evolution and environmental changes in the Bernese Alps during Late Holocene: natural and anthropogenic contributions. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2008, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna (Austria), 13-18 April, 2008, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-03522.